Other News

Is ‘moderate Islam’ relevant?

[notice]A view that Islam does not pose a threat to Christianity because only a small fraction of Muslims are radical could cost the West dearly, writes the author of an analysis in InContextMinististries‘ A World in Motion, Issue 61.[/notice] The White House is now calling the assault on the American […]

Judicial ‘scandal’ clouds Turkey murder trial

Originally published in Baptist Press A cloud has been cast on the Turkish courtroom where proceedings began Sept. 3 against 19 suspects in the murder of three Christians in 2007. At issue: Both prosecutors and two of the three judges were replaced Sept. 1. Of particular shock was the removal […]

Open Doors

Over 100 million Christians worldwide suffer interrogation, arrest and even death for their faith, with millions more facing discrimination and alienation for the sake of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Open Doors is committed to working in 60 countries around the world which are oppressive toward Christians, strengthening our brothers […]

Sexualisation of children given major boost!

The Constitutional Court has ruled – the provisions in the Film & Publications Act requiring that magazines be classified to indicate its sexual content prior to its sale – is unconstitutional. That means magazines with graphic sexual content can be sold at your local grocery store without providing any warning […]