Other News

Satanic strongholds over Maritzburg to melt away, declares ‘prayer warrior’

Originally published in African Enterprise newsletter Intercessors who have been praying fervently and fasting for spiritual renewal in Pietermaritzburg will soon rejoice to see Satanic strongholds melting away and thousands of people embracing Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour, a renowned ‘prayer warrior’ has declared. Ronelle Muragan, co-leader of […]

Christians tormented with music, then attacked

By Open Doors News For months, a group of Hindu extremists in southern India had been blasting high-volume movie music at the prayer meetings of a local Christian ministry. In early July, the harassment crossed the line to assault when the Hindus burst into the prayer meeting of End Time […]

What does Jesus think?

[notice]A fortnightly devotional based on everyday experiences.[/notice] If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you. James 1:5 (NIV) There’s a guy in my office that works with a man called Jesus. Through out […]