Other News

Dealing with spiders

[notice] A fortnightly column by Anna Heydenrych[/notice] What would you do if you were driving in your car, and a big hairy spider jumped out at you from the dashboard? I think that I would probably FREAK OUT. I would not take kindly to the situation and would likely take […]

iChurch coming to PE soon!

A vision of a church that has been burning in the hearts of a group of Christians in Port Elizabeth for the past two years is coming to a beachfront cinema soon. iChurch will launch at the Nu Metro cinema at the Boardwalk at 9am on Sunday, August 5. It […]

ASA complaint over church billboard

Originally published in news24 Johannesburg – A complaint has been laid with the Advertising Standards Authority about an allegedly homophobic church billboard in Pretoria. The billboard features the naked torso of a man surrounded by the words “drug abuse”, “promiscuity”, “alcoholism” and “homosexuality”. It is captioned: “whom the son sets […]