Revival has broken out at a Christian school near Tzaneen where for the past few months children have been displaying an unprecedented passion and hunger for God as well as many visible manifestations of the Holy Spirit, reports Bible teacher Andrew Mullek.
‘I am not in charge. God is’ — Principal

Statement from the Principal, Fred Hoffman:
“It has been a very exciting yet difficult time for me personally. I have been Principal of the school for the past 15 years and have been through many different experiences in the school. I can only say that I am not in charge of the school and that God is doing something at the school which has taken years of submission to His will and my lack of understanding. I have stopped trying to put God in a box and truly believe that His will must be done, even when I do not fully understand what He is doing.
“The move of His Spirit over the school has grown over many years because, I believe, my position as a principal was His call. I never applied to be a principal many years ago and still feel that I am completely incapable of being a brilliant principal. That may sound harsh but I can assure you that I feel so incredibly inadequate in my position BUT He has still used me immensely to carry out His work in our school. How?
“I have one policy which says – I am nothing and He is everything in me. I believe that every teacher in my school as well as every pupil must have the freedom to experience Christ through forgiveness. God’s grace is far more important than our condemnation. Every student is allowed to make mistakes, every teacher is allowed to fail and I am not too big to say that I am sorry for my mistakes. Our school, I believe has developed a phenomenal balance between administrative success (excellent academics, discipline, etc) with spirtitual significance in the lives of children.
“To send a student into the work place void of Christ’s redemptive love but a brilliant academic is useless as is sending a student into the workplace a Christian yet void of being a fully competent business person. Both have to be in balance.
“The school allows students incredible space to experience the love of Christ. Our school assemblies are Praise and Worship sessions, our counsellors are continually ministering to students, students run prayer groups in the school, we are involved in missions work in villages and cross-border, we visit students homes when necessary, have prayer vigils every term, host sleep-overs for spiritual evenings, etc,…. This has grown yearly in our school.
“I could carry on but let me share the following……… I do not understand fully what God is doing in the lives of our students through what is presently happening in our school but I see students manifesting and being counselled and being released from demons, I see students under the influence of the Holy Spirit, lying on the ground, laughing uncontrollably, speaking in tongues and simply being freed up in Christ during and after awesome praise sessions, I see students going deeper and deeper in worship, I see students praying for other students (incredible prayers), I see students being healed spiritually in Christ. I see the Spirit moving immensely amongst the students.
“I do not fully comprehend all that is happening and it sometimes “scares” me into thinking that this is crazy but I do know that it is not. Not all the teachers understand it, not all the student or parents know how to respond to it BUT it is in the hands of the Lord. The one thing I do know is that if some are faking it (for attention) then God will deal with them, because He cannot be mocked, but for those, and there are many, who are being filled in the Spirit they are being touched for life. Praise God.
“Is it real – yes, is it easy to deal with – not always but my spiritual team have the freedom to see God move in the school and it is an exciting time for the school. I know that God has awakened something in the hearts of students that we must not stop. It is God’s call. Will it carry on? Yes, if it is God’s will.”
“Students are constantly being moved to tears, they are prophesying over one another, they are getting visions, witnessing angels, being delivered and healed and many are being physically touched by God in such a way that they are shaking under the presence,” said Mullek who has been teaching for five years at The King’s Court Christian School at Modjadjiskloof, Limpopo, about 22km north of Tzaneen.
American-born Mullek who is also chairmen of the Board of Trustees of a Christian outreach school, in the area (Pfunanane Academy), believes that God is equipping learners at The King’s Court to be witnesses to the world.
Describing some of the recent happenings at the school which has about 350 learners ranging from pre-primary to Grade 12, he says: “Several learners are ‘twitching’ in the presence of God as a physical manifestation of what God is doing. There has been incredible hunger and passion among the vast majority of our students, so that at the slightest nudge they can easily spend three hours in worship. Many would rather worship than do anything else.”
He said that most of the approximately 25 teachers at the school acknowledged that God was doing something good among the children. The “twitching” manifestation was being questioned by some teachers and parents. The school principal, Fred Hoffman, “while not fully understanding everything that is happening or where it is all going is being really supportive in releasing me and our pastoral support to run with things” he said.
He said he did not understand the twitching fully himself and realised that “there are some who may be acting in the flesh, but they are by far the minority”.
“The questions that I have had to mostly address revolve (obviously) around the more unusual manifestations. I’m handling this by reminding people that this is consistent with the history of revival, by taking it day by day, and by focusing on what is God is doing.”
In a report written for Gateway News, Mullek says: “One of the more unconventional moves of the Spirit came earlier in the year where I was teaching my Grade 8 class about the Holy Spirit and I felt to pray for a baptism of the Spirit in class. I typically would do this over a two day camp, but felt God wanted to do something in the middle of the lesson. Even though the period was supposed to end soon, we spent an additional hour and a half in prayer and the Holy Spirit began to fill and radically touch the lives of these learners. Many were in tears. A week later, some of these students had the opportunity to pray and minister over the matrics. In spite of their fear, God used the ‘least’ in the high school to meaningfully touch the Grade 12 group.
“The greatest shift took place when we took 15 high school learners to a four day prophetic conference at the Oasis Church in Howick in early May. These 15 learners came back on fire, full of the spirit of God with a desire to release His presence in the school. Several of them who were shy and self-conscious before the conference came back with a boldness and confidence and were determined to see the spirit of God released over the rest of the school.

“In the first assembly after the Howick conference, these students laid hands on the rest of the school and God began to touch the other high school students in the same way. Some of the more reserved students were walking up to the most intimidating boys in school and boldly laying hands on them. This went on for three hours at which point we scheduled an impromptu worship evening for later in that week. On that evening most of the students came and they willingly spent around eight hours in worship and under the word, and God continued to move in tangible ways. It was incredible to see learners who were previously uninterested and even hostile to the work of God stand in worship for over five hours because they wanted to be there.
Focus on what God is doing
“At no point have we forced any student to participate, but the numbers of those who have a desire to engage in the things of God continues to grow. Instead of forcing the things of the Spirit, we have focused on what God is doing and not on what He isn’t doing. From that place of emphasis a spiritual momentum has been created where we are currently surging with Revival.

“On Wednesday 29 May we scheduled a time to pray over the Grade 7 class, as God had been touching them as well ‘independently’ from what was happening in the high school. I invited high school learners to come and join us as they felt led, and around 15 students joined us to pray for a release of revival for the Grade 7’s. Of the 26 children I think all of them were tangibly touched by God at one point or another. Most, if not all of them, were in tears because of the presence of God. Some were delivered, some began to shake and some received visions. All of them actively desired to pray for each other.
“At one stage one of the boys came up to me, and just asked for prayer. I asked him ‘What for?’ and he said, ‘For anything.’ With that I just prayed and said, ‘God he wants anything, so give him everything’ and he immediately fell onto the floor in tears. Laying next to him was another boy who was also in tears. One of the Grade 7 student leaders was sitting in a chair behind them and he looked down on his friends with an incredible expression of awe on his face. Clearly, God was touching his friends and him as well. His expression said everything, and I just crumpled on the floor weeping at what God was doing. I was so aware that God was at work, and it was not about myself or what any man could do.

“The move of God that we’re experiencing has not been restricted by age or qualifications. We had an extended worship time as part of an ACSI (Association of Christian Schools International) conference our school hosted on Friday (May 31) and a Grade 2 girl was visibly touched by the Spirit. She walked around in tears shaking under the anointing of God and praying for others. She was one of the few younger children there that evening, but in this season, the only real qualifying factor has been hunger.
“We have a real conviction that God will impact the world through the lives of these learners. We have been declaring this in faith since February of this year, and we are increasingly seeing the Spirit move in incredible ways at The King’s Court, as He equips these children to be witnesses to the world.”
Wow! Wow! Wow! As a school experiencing revival ourselves, I salute a staff and parent body who are willing and open to allow the Holy Spirit full rein!!! I rejoice with you!!! Please keep us updated on happenings on your side.
I am a teacher at the King’s Court Christian School and reading the article made me realize how amazing the season really is! It should not be taken for granted. We are blessed with our learners’ hunger and thankful for God’s faithfulness. He is indeed a good God and will always fulfill the expected heart. Do you have an expectation for your school?
Be blessed!
As an ex TKC student,I cannot say that I am surprised. God is no man that he should lie, we have received prophesies upon prophesies over the years about God pouring his Spirit upon the school and now God is fulfilling his word. I’m so excited and I will definitely come and be a part of this sacred time in his presence…
HALLELUJAH!!!! GLORY BE TO GOD!!! So touched and deeply moved by this story!!!! HIS best is here! Amen
Thank God for all the faithful people – adults and children alike at TKC – God is so good
Glory to God, Wow, Wow, this is awesome…
Yes let the children fulfull the missio dei. Praise be to God.
just a year ago,i was part of this amazing school and now that i am out in the world,funny enough it’s still not difficult for me to say i am not of this world,God has worked wonders at my school-missing assembly
wow I’m realy interested at ths sckool,can I please get your contacted numbers
M lookng 4 a skul this year plz get bck to me need to attend this year email me at makwalarivonia@gmail.com thnx