‘Roe v Wade’ — Movie review

Vaughan Luck

Vaughan Luck, founder of the Student Prolife Movement in South Africa and member of the steering committee of the National Alliance for Life reviews this important new movie that sheds light on the landmark 1973 Roe v Wade case that legalised abortion in the United States and set a new standard for the world

I have now finished watching Roe v Wade for the third time in about a month. This movie is on my list of “must see” movies – for every one.

It not just for you if you are a person that believes that unborn babies who are aborted are people.

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It is also for you if you believe abortion is justified in certain situations and that it is a fundamental woman’s right to choose what she does with her baby — in other words, if you fall into the camp that calls abortion “reproductive rights”.

And it is also a movie for you if you are a person that sits on the fence on this controversial issue — like so many of us do — and says that even if you don’t agree 100% with abortion, it is the mother’s choice to decide whether her baby lives and dies.

Pro-choice vs Pro-life is what you would expect this movie to be about – and in essence it is. This movie does not attempt to change your mind one way or the other. All it does is present the facts as they happened at the time – in the early 1970s.

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Roe v Wade is a historical drama that follows the events leading up to the ground-breaking 1973 Supreme Court case which would legalise abortion in the United States. Dr Bernard Nathanson and Dr Mildred Jefferson square off in a national battle between the pro-life and pro-abortion camps. The movie seeks to uncover the truth about the landmark court ruling and reveal the various motivations, lies and connections surrounding the event.

That is a brief synopsis of this movie and I won’t give away anything else. I will leave it up to you to go and watch this movie for yourself.

Scene from Roe v Wade movie

You might ask yourself: why watch a movie about a 50-year-old plus court case? We all know what happened – abortion was made legal in the US and a precedent was set that the rest of the world followed. People to this day use this court case as their motivation to defend the killing of the unborn for whatever reasons they see fit, which makes the trial as relevant today as it was a half century ago.

My takeaway from this movie? It reminded me in a very direct and in-your-face way that we can’t always trust what we see in the media and that manipulation of the media and people by governments and organisations has not changed. You can’t help but notice that if this movie’s time period shifted 50 years into the future – nothing much is different.

The media and the governments of our modern society use the same tactics, same words, same strategies to push an agenda that does not have a women’s rights or the rights or the child at the core but is really about using and abusing people in order to control and subdue.

The best part of this movie for me was the story of Dr Bernard Nathanson who performed over 70 000 abortions before he had a life-changing moment – you can see it in the movie – which led to his decision to stop performing abortions and becoming an outspoken pro-life voice who said he had made a massive error in judgement that cost the lives of so many babies.

The movie also shows how the women’s rights movement in the 70s was used by a bunch of greedy men pushing an agenda – not women’s rights – to make money and further themselves and setup the abortion industry as we know it today, spearheaded by Planned Parenthood.

With Dr Nathanson, abortion-rights founder Larry Lader and feminist Betty Friedan – the three main protagonists – leading the way, we see how they successfully get abortion legalised in New York and how this decision wakes up the most prominent pro-life opposition in New York, the Catholic Church, and pro-life activists, scholars, and physicians.

After New York, Lader looks to build a case against the US government to legalise abortion across the country. They send out two recent grad students in search of a pregnant girl around whom to make their case. They find a young woman, Norma McCorvey, famously known as “Jane Roe,” and they start to build a case against Henry Wade, the district attorney of Dallas County.

With their pawn established, the case appears before both state and federal courts. In opposition, Dr Mildred Jefferson, the first African American woman to graduate from Harvard Medical School, leads an anti-abortion cause. However, the pro-life activists realise they are fighting one of the most well-funded revolutions in 20th century America.

I will end this review on that note and hopefully I have provoked you into wanting to find out more information on this case and whether abortion on demand is really what its supporters say it is – reproductive rights.

Since Roe v Wade there have been over 60 million abortions in the US over the last 50 years. Worldwide we lose 50 million babies to abortion a year – entire generations are being systematically exterminated. Does this sound familiar – WW1 and WW2, Hitler, Stalin, Mao, the list goes on?

In South Africa we terminate over 260 000 babies every year. Fifty eight per cent of these abortions are done illegally – babies are dumped on garbage piles, in drains and toilets. We have a young generation that has grown up post 1997 believing that babies are worthless and should be disposed of if you don’t want them.

All this is based on lies engineered by those involved in the Roe v Wade case back in 1973. 

Please do not take my word for it. Watch the movie and then go and check the facts for yourself and make an informed decision on…

  • Whether a baby is a person?
  • What makes a baby human?
  • Does the unborn baby deserve the same rights as it’s one-day old counterpart that has been born?
  • Is the baby part of the women’s body?
  • Does one person have the right to terminate another person based on their position and place in this world?
  • If I infringe on the rights of others in order to get what I want – does that justify my actions?

These are questions that are at the core of nearly all the trouble that is alienating and separating our societies into factions that are all fighting each other for whose rights are more important.

For me, the RIGHT TO LIFE has to be the underlying foundation upon which all other rights are based.

Without that we are all doomed. 

Who am I to say that my rights are worth more than another person’s and what do I base that on?

You can view the trailer of Roe v Wade below. For more information about the film and for online viewing options, visit the website https://www.roevwademovie.com/

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  1. The Creator says – ‘We are fearfully and wonderfully made . . “.

  2. The autobiography by Dr Bernard Nathanson- Hand of God is a very useful and personal insight into this subject

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