SA production company tells transformational stories around world

Media Village Productions shoot at Valley Christian School in California

Media Village Productions, a Cape Town based production company, has sent a team to California and Hong Kong to produce documentary stories that speak of the redemptive power of God.

Commissioned by Harvest Evangelism, the team has finished their first story about the Valley Christian School (VCS), currently said to be one of the top 10 schools in the United States. Executive producer, Diane Vermooten said the team was blown away by the phenomenal opportunities the students receive at VCS, like launching a space shuttle and doing research on cancer. It is a place of innovation, excellence and the presence of God.

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Next the SA team heads to Hong Kong to tell another amazing story of what God is doing in the marketplace. Another Media Village team will be going to Malawi to tell the story of VERITAS Collage International and the amazing impact their grassroots training is having on the local church community.

 Media Village Training, a branch of Youth With A Mission, has welcomed 19 students from five different nations to the Discipleship Training School. This is the pre-requisite course for all YWAM training and gives students the opportunity to study the word and encounter God’s heart and love for them. Many of these students will continue at Media Village to do courses in Video Production, Radio Broadcasting and Digital Photography throughout the year. Follow this link to see podcasts of the first few weeks of this life changing school.

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