Tag: blasphemy

When artistic licence gets pushed too far — Afrika Mhlophe

Also see news report: https://gatewaynews.co.za/kzn-matric-pupil-says-his-art-is-not-satanic-but-explores-commercialised-religion/ “The end justifies the means” is basically the explanation given by the student whose artwork provoked a lot of outrage from South African Christians. Brett Murray had the same pragmatic response for his controversial painting, The Spear. In it he depicted SA President Jacob Zuma in […]

KZN matric pupil says his art is not satanic but explores commercialised religion

Also see commentary by Afrika Mhlophe: https://gatewaynews.co.za/when-artistic-licence-gets-pushed-too-far-afrika-mhlophe/ A Kwa-Zulu Natal matric pupil whose art is at the centre of a social media storm for being blasphemous says his sketches and sculptures “are a far cry from the satanic panic some people claim it to be”. In a statement released on […]

Pakistan Christian sentenced to death for WhatsApp ‘blasphemy’ despite weak police case

Originally published in World Watch Monitor Six days after a Pakistani Christian was sentenced to death for blasphemy, the young man’s lawyer says there was insufficient evidence against his client and that the police failed to investigate the matter properly. Nadeem Masih, 24, from the Yaqoobabad area of the religiously […]