By Charles Gardner, UK Correspondent An almost tangible sense of peace has descended on Parliament since Boris Johnson stormed to victory in the General Election. And it seems to have pervaded the atmosphere of the country as a whole. The debates I have watched on TV have been paragons of […]
Tag: Charles Gardner
Lord’s Prayer and the great sign of our age — Charles Gardner
The very first line of the Lord’s Prayer stresses the importance to God of the great sign of our age – the return of the Jews to their ancient land. It has long been understood from the Scriptures that Christian support for Jewish Aliyah (immigration to Israel) is expected, but […]
Rescuing Jews from persecution not for faint-hearted — Charles Gardner
Frontline soldier’s ongoing battle to rescue Jews Working on the frontline of the global battle to rescue Jews from persecution is not for the fainthearted. But former head-teacher, lecturer and pastor Fred Wright will stop at nothing to help God’s chosen people make the journey back to their ancient land. […]
Reflecting on history and the Jews most precious gift to us — Charles Gardner
Just as the modern state of Israel was born out of the ashes of the Holocaust in perfect fulfilment of Ezekiel’s prophecy of dry bones coming back to life, so too did a new love for the Jewish people emerge from the rubble of Germany. Shocked and devastated by the […]
Uk Jewish exodus prospect
While Iran threatens to annihilate Israel with nuclear weapons, even Jews in the UK are no longer safe By Charles Gardner, Gateway News UK Correspondent A senior Iranian lawmaker has said the Jewish state wouldn’t last half-an-hour if the US attacked his country.1 And in east London, a knife-wielding man […]
Israel at epicentre of political storms — Charles Gardner
By United Kingdom Correspondent Charles Gardner There is no panacea for those who refuse to face up to the truth. Seventy-five years after the D-Day landings paved the way for Europe’s salvation from tyranny, its nations have once more become enslaved to godless ideologies our heroes gave their lives to […]
Our debt to Israel — Charles Gardner
By Gateway News UK Correspondent, Charles Gardner Christians called to support Jews in every way they can The Church has shied away from politics for too long. There was a time when evangelical Christians influenced world-shaking events, such as the rebirth of Israel. That may never have happened but for […]
Britain over a barrel over Israel policy — Charles Gardner
By Gateway News UK Correspondent, Charles Gardner The secret is out. Britain has been locked into an anti-Israel agreement ever since we first entered Europe in the early 1970s – a policy likely to consign us to the dust of history. But a successful Brexit could allow us to repair […]
WATCH: Trick was on the devil’
How a teacher brought hope to a suicidal young boy When a distraught ten-year-old held a gun to his head wanting to end his short life, it seemed like his family’s American dream had turned into a nightmare. But something stopped him, and God soon began speaking to him through […]
Anti-Semitism strikes blow for UK Labour — Charles Gardner
By United Kingdom correspondent, Charles Gardner Eight MPs resign over Corbyn leadership Jeremy Corbyn’s abject failure to deal with anti-Semitism within his party has helped spark Britain’s biggest political split in 40 years. And one of his MPs has even suggested that Israel could have funded the resignation of seven […]