Tag: pro-life

Number of ‘pro-choice’ Americans hits record low: Gallup poll

Originally published in LifesiteNews A new Gallup poll shows a record-low number of Americans describe themselves as “pro-choice,” while half call themselves “pro-life.” The poll, conducted from May 3-6, found only 41 percent of Americans would embrace the “pro-choice” monicker, the lowest level since the company began asking the question […]

Tutu invitation to US Catholic university “shameful” — pro-life activists

Originally published in LifeSiteNews Observers are asking why a Catholic university in Spokane, Washington, would invite Anglican Archbishop Desmond Tutu to address its graduating class considering his decades-long record of supporting abortion, homosexuality, female ordination, theological liberalism, and collectivist economic theories condemned by the Roman Catholic Church. Administrators at Gonzaga […]