Terry Macalmon — Everlasting Love (Live worship from South Africa): Review

everlastingloveMusic Review by Ellenor Lotter


This week we review EVERLASTING LOVE – LIVE WORSHIP FROM SOUTH AFRICA with Terry Macalmon.  Now this man does what he does extravagantly and if you enjoy his music then this album will definitely not disappoint!  To my great inspiration and delight I discovered that Terry has been playing the piano since he was three years old and stood his little 11 year old shoes full as the church pianist! 

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Visiting his website and reading more about this man’s journey made me realise that there are real people with real issues being used by God.  Praise be to God for His love that lifts us up and forgives us our trespasses, a love that covers a multitude of sins… Terry:  “It’s my prayer that you will experience and understand the boundless and unlimited love that the Father has for His children. It has become so real to me in recent years.”

This world renowned minstrel hosted his latest live worship experience on African soil, recording this first live recording in six years, in Pretoria and Cape Town among a captivated audience.  This was only the first part of a very exciting journey for this album, with next step being, to take this recording to Europe where the orchestra was recorded by the Prague Philharmonic.  The final leg of this journey culminated in Virginia, Tennessee and Dallas, WOW!

Everlasting Love is one of 12 tracks on this album with eight of them written by Terry.  One of the songs that really grabbed my attention is LET IT RISE with INTO YOUR PRESENCE in a strong second place.  Maybe I should quit while I am ahead, before I list the whole album, as it has a tendency to grow on you…  I want to challenge you to have a listen to this album and decide for yourself if you want to enter into the sound of EVERLASTING LOVE.

Until next time, Let the worshipper in you arise!

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