The cost of people-centered leadership — Luphumlo Joka

A monthly column by Luphumlo Joka
African National Congress MP Dr Makhosi Khosa who was fired today from her postion as a parliamentary committee chairperson, and is facing disciplinary charges because of her decision to vote ‘no confidence’ in President Jacob Zuma.
“I am siding with the people, I am sorry Mr President” — Dr Makhosi Khoza

African National Congress MP Dr Makhosi Khosa has been in the spotlight for her apparently unpopular views of her own party and its outgoing president, Jacob Zuma.

Addressing civil society groups, unions and business leaders last month, she said she would be supporting the proposed notion of no-confidence against President Jacob Zuma, which failed on August 8.

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Khoza’s home province, KwaZulu-Natal is known for politically-connected deaths and crimes — it would only be logical for her to retract her public statements for the safety of her family and political career after having received numerous death threats. To the contrary, Khoza has remained resolute and defiant of the Zuma leadership circle.

There must be a new breed of South African leaders who will continually seek to lay their lives down for the benefit of the people of this nation.

“I am siding with the people, I am sorry Mr President”. These were her words when she was recently interviewed by the Carte Blanche crew about her stance and the safety of her children following her statements.

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The party-first, people-last mentality has been one of the many cancerous convictions that has shaped our political landscape to this day. Throughout the years, South African politicians have consistently proven to be party loyalists more than being servants of the people.

Whilst there are many in the ANC who see her as an anti-Zuma populist who is betraying her own people and party, some are in awe of her courage, integrity and her demonstration of love for this nation and its people.

The heart of a true leader is always given towards serving the people — especially when it is not the most popular thing to do. Because of her actions, Makhosi Khoza’s leadership will now be characterised by selflessness and sacrifice.

There is a great need for a new breed of South African leaders who will continually seek to lay down their lives for the benefit of the people of this country. When this mentality is built into the operating systems of our leaders, corruption, party factionalism, selfishness and competition will retreat.

I would say that South Africa needs more Makhosi Khoza’s but that would be inaccurate and not the whole truth. This nation needs to see a new Church rising to the call of representing Christ in accuracy and exactness.

The ANC today fired Khoza from her position as chairperson of the Parliamentary Committee on Public Affairs and Administration, citing a breakdown of trust. And on September 10 she will be face disciplinary charges from the ANC in KwaZulu-Natal.

In my view, the Khoza approach is a small step in the right direction. It is costly and risky but fulfilling for those who are serious about nation building and saving the ANC.

I must however state that the future of this nation no longer lies in the hands of any political organisation. We can no longer look to the ANC, the DA or the EFF as the liberators of South African people. The Church must now rise to the call.

The principles of sacrifice, love for people, selflessness and integrity displayed by Khoza in the past couple of months have demonstrated wonderful inventions and teachings that are not foreign to the Church.

I would say that South Africa needs more Makhosi Khoza’s but that would be inaccurate and not the whole truth. This nation needs to see a new Church rising to the call of representing Christ in accuracy and exactness.


  1. We bless God for His voice in His people, indeed we no longer need a political organization to govern this country what we need is Christ and His people to rise up and take territory, like in the days of Elijah,leadership is all about serving others and sacrificing your own life for the benefits of others, we looking forward for the new leadership Skills that will bring fourth God’s pre-desintined purpose

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