The elections — through a Kingdom lens: Afrika Mhlophe

A contest between value systems
Afrika Mhlophe new
A post elections perspective by church leader, author and public speaker Pastor Afrika Mhlophe.

Complacency around local government might be a thing of the past if one judges by the huge interest shown in the recently held 2016 Local Government elections. The turnout was impressive and so is the continued interest in the results as they are released by the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC).

And the fact that some key municipalities might change hands shows that no political party has hegemony over the South African electorate.

It seems that we are in for interesting times ahead. Having said that I think it would be remiss of us as Christians not to pause and thank God for the environment that prevailed over these elections. We should be thankful that violence and intimidation did not spoil things, even as we saw disturbing incidences of the killing of ANC candidates.

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So, in a sense the kingdom of God has fared well in these polls. Remember that ours is a kingdom defined by righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost.

So while the winning political parties might be busy with their victory dance it is the victory of God’s kingdom that Christians are eagerly waiting for. You might wonder why I make reference to God’s kingdom when talking about elections. Well the answer is that elections are more than just a political contest. They are a contest between value systems and the winning system is the one that gets to govern people.

For instance the ANC’s Siyanqoba Rally in Port Elizabeth was preceded by rituals to ancestors because of their belief that their power base is located with the spirits of the dead. With the DA there has been this alleged connection with freemasonry.

My point is, over and above the provision of basic services or the enforcement of municipal bylaws, there are other things at play in South Africa. Christians should therefore remain vigilant and continue to watch and pray.

The promise for our country is that God will raise righteous leaders who will govern with integrity. I believe it is the prayer womb of the Church that will give birth to such leaders.

The Bible tells us that righteousness exalts a nation but sin is a disgrace to any people (Proverbs 14:34). We know very well the disgrace that has been caused by sinful leaders, especially those in political office.

So in these recent elections and others in the future, the conquests of man are less important than the conquests of God and His glorious kingdom. And to that end I say, “even so, come, Lord Jesus” (Revelation 22:20).


  1. Thank you for reminding us to thank our God and Father and the Lord Jesus Christ for the peaceful elections we have witnessed. It is a great blessing and gives one much hope for the future.

    I was wondering Afrika, are specifically training/discipling some young South Africans for political leadership?

  2. Well said Afrika. God will always be in control. The Word of God is inviolate,and prophecies will be fulfilled.

  3. Likhona Ndwanya

    Well said Mfundisi

  4. Barbara Wayman

    Indeed we give thanks to our heavenly Father for hearing our prayers !!
    DA and freemasonry RUMOURS ?? Really ?? Would a born again, Spirit filled former senior pastor, Mnusi Maimane, be part of that ? I think NOT. This is a dangerous and damaging allegation

  5. The initiative built on similar initiatives to assess elections through a gender lens and support national reform processes by providing local evidence-based and international comparative insights. Compared to previous local elections, the October 2015 campaign showed increased levels of voter outreach by women candidates. While most parties increased the number of women candidates compared to past elections, smaller parties showed higher compliance rates with the 30 per cent minimum quota. The final outcome was a significant contrast in number of women elected, 18 per cent on average, compared with the number of women nominated as candidates, 32 per cent on average. This might be attributed to the fact that women were rarely chosen as top candidates on the parties’ lists.

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