True Champions: ‘No!’ to bribes

truechampions[notice]A new monthly column in which we share testimonies of some of South Africa’s ‘True Champions’ who bring glory to God and bless their fellow-citizens, by opposing the tide of corruption in their spheres of influence. You are warmly invited to suggest anybody you think deserves recognition as a ‘True Champion’. Please email your suggestions to[/notice]

Keontse Selesanyeng,33, refused to pay a bribe to pass her driver’s license.  Selesanyeng had an appointment to be tested for her driver’s license. Upon arrival a personnel member suggested she pay a bribe to pass her test. Although she desperately needed the license to do her work, she decided not to pay. “I will pray and trust in the Lord” she confessed to the personnel member.  She passed her driver’s license!

Selesanyeng works in Bloemfontein for “Employers for Christ”.  Telling people every day to obey God, what kind of example would she set by paying the bribe?  There is so much corruption in South Africa. Paying a bribe to pass a driver’s license would only promote that.  Many young people yield to the temptation of corruption under the pressure of unemployment, says Selesanyeng.

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Working for “Employers for Christ” gives her the opportunity to visit people at work to bring the Gospel of Christ. Many of these people do not have enough opportunities to go to church. Ministering to them at their places of work gives Selesanyeng an opportunity to strengthen them in their faith. Getting her license gave her an opportunity to continue with this uplifting work.

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Selesanyeng received a diploma in Biblical studies from the Bethesda Biblical College in Durban. She does not only bring messages of hope to people, but is sometimes also involved in counselling people in need. “Prayer is very important. Talk about everything to God. Cast your troubles unto Him. He will carry the burden,” encourages Selesanyeng.

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uelogoUNASHAMEDLY ETHICAL invites True Champions to stand up and be counted: More than 15 000 South Africans have signed the Unashamedly Ethical commitment to a public life of ethics, values and clean living. If you haven’t committed yet, why not do so now, here?


  1. Deart André. Please send met the contact details for Keontse Selesanyeng. I want to send her some of CLF’s pamphlets to help her in her calling.

  2. There is something which is an immoral bribe (such as to get your drivers’ licence even if you can;t drive) which is bad. But there is also something which is a moral bribe- see

  3. Thanks Andre and Dr Hoffman for this amazing initiative and its pioneering article. Inspired and rejuvenated!

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