WATCH: Chief Justice Mogoeng prays against ‘giant’ of Covid-19

“Lord God Almighty with the sword of justice you have given me I slay this giant [Covid-19]now,” declared Chief Justice Mogoeng Mogoeng in a bold prayer at the end of his message of encouragement to healthcare workers at a thanksgiving ceremony at Tembisa Hospital yesterday.

Not one to water down his Christian conviction in order to avoid possible controversy, he told his his audience before he started his prayer that he just prays as he is led. And indeed his words regarding Covid-19 vaccines in his prayer have sparked reaction on social media and news media.

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He prayed that “if there be any vaccine that is of the devil meant to infuse triple six in the lives of people, meant to corrupt their DNA, any such vaccine, Lord God Almighty, may it be destroyed by fire.”

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In a briefing with media today, Mogoeng said he stood by his prayer. He reportedly said that he was not asserting that a “666 vaccine” exists but that if there is such a vaccine he wants God to destroy it.

And he added that if there is a “clean” vaccine “they must produce it quickly because people need it”.

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You can click on the link below to watch his complete prayer as recorded by SABC News:


  1. I’ve watched the clip of this prayer, and one thing unsettles my spirit: The lack of humble reverence of the prayer. If this is how he is “led by the Spirit” then why is it totally different to any prayers recorded in the Bible, which are all Spirit-inspired? It sounds like the kind of prayers Dutch Sheets prays (see last week’s Gateway News) – prayers that assume God is not sovereign and so we humans should exercise authority instead, by “decreeing and declaring” what God must do. The demanding tone, the upward pointing finger – these do not reflect the Spirit of Christ. I know Mogoeng means well, but I plead with him to be humble in his intercession. Read Luke 11:1-13 to catch the spirit of Jesus own praying. Also his 666 reference regarding some vaccines, though qualified with an ‘if’, could sow false doubts in the minds of some about being vaccinated. Would he want to be responsible if they contracted Corona as a result? Learn of Jesus, who teaches us to be “gentle and humble of heart” (Matthew 11:29). Let us all avoid the pride and arrogance that brings God’s judgment.

  2. Oniccah

    I say Amen to the prayer of Chief Justice . The devil must understand and get the message very clear. We forgive those who do not have faith or their faith is in vaccines. Be careful that not all vaccines or any other kind of medication, prayers, food or whatever, meant or done for good purpose. That it the reason the prayer started with “if”.
    Jesus Christ said to his disciples when he washes their feet, “you may not understand what I am doing, but you will later understand”. Even in our generation, some Christians might not understand what the Chief Justice’s prayer meant, but will understand in due course.

  3. Hugh thank you. In listening to Chief Justice Mogoeng Mogoeng’s cry to our LORD, we see importantly he is ‘asking’ and he is doing so in our risen Lord Jesus Name. What we witness really just his cultural expression of prayer which is very much in line with the beautiful Indigenous African Church’s vigorous heart in sometimes rousing expression of worship and prayer. Praise the LORD, that by His grace’ the Holy Spirit takes our prayers and presents them,’ by His Grace’ before our Heavenly Father, in Jesus Name…
    “In the same way the Spirit also helps our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we should, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groaning too deep for words..” (NASB Rom 8:26)

    Praise the LORD for Chief Justice Mogoeng Mogoeng

  4. Lord I thank you for all your wonderful BLESSINGS. Dear Father please lead Mogoeng in his life and help him too stay on the straight and narrow path and help him too be humble and a rightous role model for the people in this country. Please dear Lord help him too be in awe with JESUS as He is our salvation and Saviour our Provider, our Healer our Creator. Thank you Wonderful Father for all your BLESSINGS. Hallelujah Amen Amen.

  5. Michael John Higgs

    The Chief Justice was careful to “send” his prayer through the Lord Jesus Christ. The Lord Jesus Christ is our intercessor, and He will perfect the prayers we offer in our fallen state. God bless the Chief Justice and his prayer.

  6. The Chief Justice serves all South Africans. South Africa is a secular state with freedom of religion. For him to use his position to promote his personal religious beliefs is in violation of the Constitution of South Africa. He is a good man who has overstepped the mark and misused his position. He has shown that he is not the right man for the job.

  7. I agree, the Chief Justice should “mind his language” somewhat and could be more discrete, around sensitive matters in particular. He, nevertheless, has the right to express his concerns strongly at times , based on his beliefs-like Jesus did. Yes, Jesus was “meek and mild”. But when the situation called for it, He was not reluctant to demonstrate righteous indignation- calling the Pharisees “you brood of vipers” ( Mathew 12 :34) and “overturning the tables of the money-changers” ( Mathew 21:12), to name 2 cases.
    I agree with “in Christ” – let us be very careful about automatically assigning humility and reverence to quiet cultural expressions and dismissive of boisterous ones.
    Mogoeng is Chief Justice yes, but he’s also a South African citizen who– like all of us- has a constitutional right to hold and share his religious beliefs. He prayed in his capacity as a Christian, not Chief Justice. So, in my view, it is incorrect to say that he abused his position.

  8. I appreciate the dialogue this has generated. May I respond? Jesus told us to learn to be “gentle and humble of heart” (Matt 11:29)- not “meek and mild”. This is a yoke we must consciously take, for it goes against our natural pride. Yes we can be bold in exposing by speech (not prayer) specific sins as Jesus did, as long as we are not guilty ourselves (Matt. 7:1-5). Truly indigenous African culture is marked by ‘inhlonipho’ = respect. CJ Mogoeng’s prayer was influenced by a spiritual culture expressed so clearly in Dutch Sheets’ words quoted in Gateway News 4.12.2020. Such prayers are out of sync with all the many prayers in the Bible (correct me if I’m wrong). Onicccah pointed us to Jesus’ humble foot-washing, which goes against the human bossiness of the CJ’s style of praying. To pray “in the name of Jesus” (John 14:13,14) means to pray “in God’s will” (1 John 5:14). If I buy something in your name without your authorisation, I abuse your name. Tacking “in Jesus’ name” on the end of my prayer does not mean Jesus is authorising my prayer. Let us be certain we are praying in God’s revealed will. 1 Peter 5:5,6 requires us all to have a humble spirit “under God’s mighty hand”. Then our prayers will be acceptable to God.

  9. Pharisees told Jesus that he was wrong and many times rose up against Him, even played a role in His death. Judging how this man of God prays according to your personal convictions and beliefs already shows that there is a problem with your thinking. One person even saying that Moegeng isn’t the right person for the job. Really?
    If more Christians prayed this way, South Africa, and the world wouldn’t be in the place it is spiritually. Jesus gave us power and authority, and instructed us to heal the sick, raise the dead, cast out devils, etc. Matthew 10:8
    Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out demons. Freely you have received, freely give.
    Matthew 16:19: “I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.” Jesus said that we should do this. We have His power and authority – His backing to do this.
    Traditions of man are traditions of the devil.

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