WATCH: Dave Cape walking Pilgrims Way with cross and bowl to call UK back to God

Footwasher Dave Cape with his cross and bowl. (See video at bottom of page)

South African David Cape who has carried the cross and bowl in over 30 countries over 30 years is answering a prophetic call to walk the 280km Pilgrim’s Way across south eastern England to call the nation back to the Lord.

He says the cross walk — from August 25 to September 29 — was suggested to him by pastoral friends who drew his attention to the ancient pathway which was used by early Christian believers from 597 AD and later extended after the murder of Christian martyr Thomas Becket in 1171.

He says the prophetic call to undertake the walk was confirmed one morning as the Lord gave him the Scriptures, Jeremiah 18:15 — “For My people have forgotten Me, They burn incense to worthless gods and they have stumbled from their ways, from the ancient paths, To walk in bypaths, Not on a highway”, and  Jeremiah 6: 16 — Thus says the LORD, “Stand by the ways and see and ask for the ancient paths, where the good way is, and walk in it; and you will find rest for your souls.”

“I felt God was saying that the highway is His way, and that the Pilgrim’s Way is a prophetic symbol of that highway and Him calling me to carry His Cross along the entire route. It would serve as a prophetic statement calling the nation back to a fresh resolve and commitment to the Lord,” he says.

He plans to end his long walk by joining in an event in Westminster called the Turning during the last weekend of September. The event is linked to a move of God which began when a modest church in Reading, Berkshire ventured out to share Jesus with the public and had more than 1 800 positive responses in the first month. This was repeated in other towns as far as France with many requests coming from other centres. The Turning will involve 23 Greater London boroughs.

See video:

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  1. Please send me information about the Pilgrim walk. I am methodist minister’s wife (from SA)
    We are now based at Leatherhead Methodist in Surrey. … from map it seems close to walk ? Want to be involved
    I feel a quickening in my spirit about this. Will pray.

  2. Footwasher Ministries

    Greetings Angela. We’d love to make contact. Please forward your email address to – Also a cell number if you use WhatsApp. Blessings