Watch ‘Finger of God 2’ anywhere in the world on Saturday

Originally published in Charisma News

Finger of God 2, the new film from Darren Wilson and WP Films, is being made available for 24 hours on October 6 for anyone in the world to watch.

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The cost is $5, and it gives audiences their first chance to see this highly anticipated film a full two months before its official release in December.

Finger of God 2 was directed by Will Hacker and produced by Darren Wilson.

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It follows Will’s wild journey from pastoring an evangelical megachurch to the far reaches of the earth as he asks the question, “If miracles are real, what is the point of them?”

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Along the way, he films in a religious powder keg in the Middle East, with sold-out teenagers in California, in a bar in Northern Ireland with Korn guitarist Brian “Head’ Welch, with the underground church in China and even faces down a Muslim king in Ghana, Africa.

It’s a powerful film of faith, hunger and the incredible God-moments WP Films has become known for in all of its films.

The movie is currently on tour around the United States, but Darren is offering the sneak peek for those who either can’t make a tour stop or live somewhere outside the US and who want to see the film as soon as they can.

Sneak Peek signup:

For more information about the film, visit

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