WATCH: Video of the Week: Zambian president addresses nation at National Day of Prayer

Zambia’s President addressing scores of citizens who gathered at the Lusaka Showgrounds at a National Day of Repentance, Reconciliation, Prayer and Fasting event on October 18, 2015 — as captured by ZNBC. He also declared October 18 to be a new National Day of Prayer public holiday.

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One Comment

  1. This is a rare President in a rare country that acknowledges God in a positively Christian way. Let’s pray that President Lungu’s commitment to justice and righteousness in the nation will play itself out in the policies/laws and their implementation. Satan doesn’t like this speech. He didn’t like previous President Chiluba’s similar declaration that “Zambia is a Christian Nation”, and shamed him when he was convicted of the very Corruption he had promised to root out. We do not want a repeat of that. Join in earnest prayer for this courageous godly President Lungu. Jesus, not the devil, must have the last word!