Intercessors around world urged to join campaign
Christian leaders in Malawi have called a national week of repentance and prayer for peace in response to ongoing civil unrest in the nation following allegedly rigged national elections on May 21.
The theme of the week from August 5 to August 11 is “Malawi Repent” according to 2 Chronicles 7:14 said Rev Dr Edward Mikwamba in an interview today.

Malawi was known as the warm heart of Africa and as a beacon of hope on the continent and in the world “but now Malawi is sick and needs God’s healing and intervention”, he said.
With a tense impasse prevailing as the High Court considers an opposition application for a rerun of the elections, protests were being organised around the country accompanied by burning of tyres, looting of commercial and private property, and removing of people from offices, he said. The unrest was hurting the economy and the national currency.
Mikwamba said political leaders, business people, students and civil servants were being invited to be part of the prayer and repentance initiative which was being organised by National Repentance Week Malawi and Citizen Development Network, a nationwide fraternity of pastors.
Intercessors throughout the world were also urged to pray for Malawi and it was said that about 62 nations and about 3 200 intercessors would support the prayer campaign, he said.
He said that throughout the prayer and repentance week people would pray in groups around the country — on mountains, in their churches and in their homes. On Thursday August 8 a main event would be held at the Simama Hotel in Lilongwe, where speakers would include Rev Dr Edward Mikwamba coordinator for National Repentance Week Malawi, Rev Dr Herman Mvula from the Department of Theology and Religion at the University of Malawi; Chancellor College; Bishop Joseph Kazembe of the Citizen Development Network and Dr Matthhys de Kock from Cape Town.
More information on the prayer week is available from Rev Mkiwamba at +265 (0) 881 111 076 (WhatsApp) or ediemikwamba@gmail.com .
Thank You every reader of Gateway News for your prayers for a Holy Spirit move during the MALAWI REPENT Week
May God have mercy and bless Malawi & Africa with a true move of Repentance and Restoration of God’s H.O.P.E. Heaven On Planet Earth Vision and H.O.P.E. 5 Point Plan of Action
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