When the bridegroom is delayed: finding myself in a parable — Lindy-Ann Hopley

A monthly column bringing you frontline testimonies of what God is stirring up across the globe. By international evangelist Lindy-Ann Hopley, Beautiful Witness Ministries.

Dear Beloved

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I am writing to you from my mini “honeymoon” in Cape Town — without my groom.

Monday September 23 2019 was set for a massive wedding feast — South African Evangelist Lindy-Ann Hopley and Panamanian Pastor Juan Mario Herrero.

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But only three days before our wedding news came that the bridegroom was delayed.

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Suddenly I found myself in the Parable of Matt 25.

Matt 25:5 — When the bridegroom was delayed, they all became drowsy and fell asleep.

When the Bridegroom finally came some had enough oil and some did not. The oil is that sweet relationship with His Holy Spirit.

One of most traumatic events of my life
This past week I faced one of the most traumatic events of my life. And I had a choice to make: would I allow the delay to cause me to get discouraged? Would I allow the voices of people and doubts to start to waiver my faith in his love for me?

But in it all I realise this one thing — the groom’s desire to be with his bride is greater than all the wedding guests together. After all, he is the one who initiated the wedding. He gave himself, his promise and the ring promising his return.

Ephesians 1:13b-14
“Now we have been stamped with the seal of the promised Holy Spirit.
He is given to us like an engagement ring is given to a bride, as the first installment of what’s coming!”

Miraculously, things worked together for our good on Monday …

Click below to watch the whole story:

Now I am enjoying the sunshine in Cape Town – taking time to breathe, relax, regroup, dig deep, forgive and embrace the truth of God’s Word.

“What the enemy has meant for evil – God will work together for good for those who love Him”

I love you Lord.
My 1st love. Groom by my side.

May you be encouraged not to lose heart in the midst of delay, but instead…

“Turn your eyes upon Jesus
Look full in His wonderful face
And the things of earth will grow strangely dim
In the light of His glory and grace…”

Love Lindy-Ann

p.s. The editor of Gateway News asked if I could shed some light on what will be happening next.

My reply:

I don’t know.
What I do know is that God knows. As soon as He lets me know word will go out!
Make sure you are following on social media.
Please pray with us for the passport situation to be sorted out miraculously fast!
Want to know why my groom couldn’t come to our wedding?!
Click on the link below for a video update sent out last week before the wedding!

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