Will the church provide SA with inspiring,Godly leaders in 2015?


Welcome to 2015 and I trust that you have entered this year with optimism and belief that it has good things in store for you and your loved ones. For many people a new year represents a time to take stock and to set out goals for the year ahead. Do you think that God has plans for His church for 2015? I know that the sovereign Lord does not operate within the parameters of a calendar year like we do but in every year there is an emphasis on something specific regarding His overall plans for His church and the world.

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For me that emphasis is on governance. By this I mean the influence of the South African church in areas of governmental authority. Many of us are aware of the fact that our country has a dearth of inspiration and ethical leadership. We have many people who occupy positions but not so many who can cause us to believe that we live in a great country. One thing we in the church need to grasp, however, is that an inspirational leader needs to be inspired by something.

In other words an inspirational leader has to receive inspiration from a source outside of himself because he cannot give what he does not have. You should know that there is no place that is so brimming with inspiration as the kingdom of God. Every ruler is also ruled by something and an unrighteous person cannot rule with righteousness. Similarly an uninspired person cannot rule with inspiration.

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Eagerly desiring God’s rule
You will notice that all throughout the New Testament there is an overall desire from God that His rule should permeate every facet of life. When this happens we will have access to an unending source of inspiration. When Jesus said we should seek first God’s kingdom and righteousness He meant we should hunt eagerly or desire earnestly to be under the rule of God. This is the only way we can avoid being ruled by a cabal of men and women with a value system that is at odds with God’s kingdom.

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My question now is how long will the church sit on the sidelines and throw stones? For me it is not enough for the prophet to arise and let the king know that his wickedness is an affront to God but he also needs to be ready to anoint another king in the place of the wicked one. I believe therefore that as the wicked king continues to rule there is someone with a heart after God who is waiting in the sidelines.

Leadership is not about positions but about stewardship and no one knows stewardship better than the church. I am comforted by the fact that as I was meditating on these issues of governance in the first few days of 2015 someone sent me a prophetic word pointing to righteous people being raised by God for positions of leadership. I was encouraged by this word because it confirmed what I was sensing for 2015. Yes things will continue as normal in some areas but I believe God will secretly unfold His plan.

As the shenagenians in parliament continue I believe that the parliament of heaven will put its action plan for South Africa into motion. I believe that the new cadre of leadership that the country needs will come from the Church. The Church is the only institution with a value system that helps to safeguard against abuses and the pursuits of self-interests. May 2015 present you with opportunities to bring Godly governance wherever you are.


  1. Suzette van Rooyen

    Thank the Lord for people like Afrika Mhlophe. The answer to the problems in our country are in the hands of the Church (His People) Lets start working together as the Body of Christ, put aside our differences and agendas, and start praying together so that the negative tide can turn in this nation.

  2. Margaret Ferguson

    William Burke, philssopher , politician and lifelong Anglican in Britain in the 18th century said ‘Nothing is so fatal to religion as indifference’I see plenty of indifference from Christians about politics in South Africa whereas they need to stand up and be counted. The main thing about a good leader is wisdom (and we know where that needs to come from), character and humility. With those qualities you are capable of being President of the nation regardless of the level of education.

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