‘Womb Stewardship’ ministry launching in PE

On October 12 2018 at the Feather Market Hall, Port Elizabeth, Womb Stewardship will be launching its ministry under the theme “Royalty” and We Will Worship will be performing.

Womb Stewardship is a ministry led by Dr Pinky Ngcakani-Ncula who is a physician by profession and also a minister of the Word of God. Other directors of this ministry are Kolekile Ncula who is Dr Ngcakani-Ncula’s husband, Mandlakazi Jama, and Nontobeko Mbobela.

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This NPO has a mandate of restoring stability and purity in our society and their emphasis is on ministering to women.

During a conversation with Ngcakani-Ncula, she stated that this ministry has been in her heart for a while — that the Holy Spirit ministered to her first about being a steward of her own womb.

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“God trusted women with the womb and gave them stewardship over it; it is therefore a woman’s responsibility to make sure that the womb she has been entrusted with is safe, clean, and most of all pure.”

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She added that the choices a woman makes when it comes to who enters this sacred space, will determine her relationship and obedience to God.

Three-part launch
The official launch will be in three phases.

The first phase will be the filming of a three-part documentary which will be aired on BayTV. That will be followed by a press conference to brief the public about the ministry and the upcoming event. Lastly, its public launch at the Feather Market Hall.

According to their website, “this final phase seeks to create an environment for networking towards the goal of moral regeneration and empowerment of our men and women”.

Though the ministry is focused on women, men also play a vital role in keeping the womb as sacred as it was meant to be.

“We must remember that life comes from the womb. Even God spoke to the snake (devil) after the man had fallen. He said And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; he will crush your head, and you will strike his heel — Genesis 3:15.”

She implied that the womb is a seed carrier and should be treated with respect.

Launch line-up
Included in the launch line-up is We Will Worship.

The launch will also be providing a platform for the NMB based gospel singers, Grace SA to showcase their talent in music. The ministry has also recorded their debut gospel album which will also be exhibited there.

The movement of the Womb Stewardship has reached various locations in South Africa such as Cape Town, Ulundi, Johannesburg, Dimbaza, Knysna and many more.

“We live in a world where losing your phone is more dramatic than losing your virginity” said Dr Ngcakani-Ncula. She supported this statement by saying that they also target schools, “usually at schools we ask to speak to students during the Life Orientation subject”.

Other mediums used to convey their message are art, music, books, journals, marriage seminars, movies, DVD’s, and other social media platforms.

For more information on how you can be part of this movement or for tickets to the launch, please contact Nonto
nonto@wombstewardship.co.za / 061 412 9558 or find them on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter @WombStewardship.


  1. Dr. Pinky blew us away at this years Mighty Women Conference in Cape Town.
    THIS is a MUST for all women, young and old!!
    I strongly recommend that every young girl, mother or grandmother buy a ticket to this event.
    It was such an eye opener to all, young and old!
    NO Women`s Conference should be without this life changing Word and message from this movement!
    Please do yourself a favour and get your ticket now!!!
    Mighty Men Western Cape and Mighty Women SA supports Womb Stewardship!!

    Ina Murison
    on behalf of Mighty Men Western Cape

    • Hey Ina! Thank you for opening the door for the growth of Womb Stewardship and of the children of God. Thank you for your prayerful comment. God bless you abundantly

  2. Pinky and your colleagues – I will pray for God’s mighty blessing on this awesome initiative.
    The young people WANT to hear the truth, and WANT to know that there is a second chance [albeit there may be consequences].
    I have first hand knowledge of ministering to young people a few years ago when I was with New Life Family & Crisis Pregnancy Centre, and using much of the Focus on the Family material at that time.

  3. We living in world that has normalised perversion. This is an endeavour to reinstall purity in society.God graciously move this agenda.

  4. Touched by these comments. Thank you good people and children of God. It’s time to LISTEN to God-, not to the NOISES that propagat and endorse IMPURITY. Those with EARS,let them HEAR.

  5. God created a women’s womb to be the safest place on earth for His gift of unique individual life made in His image. Without the women as God blessed her there can be no mankind.
    God bless. Peter. Value life.

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