Youth movement challenges moral degeneration

Determined to make a difference, from left to right: Ncebakazi Bofungana, Anele Bofungana, Nontsikelelo Bofungana, Sinovuyo Mataties on the far front Vuyokazi Mdunyelwa and close front Solethu Mabhula (PHOTO: Youth Back to God)

God does not expect his children to be heavenly minded, yet earthly useless, according to Pastor Fikile Mabula.

“Neither can we allow ourselves as the youth to sleep through such a momentous time, which would be like hiding our heads in the sand while the order of moral degeneration, carnality, ignorance and Godlessness that is strongly prevailing goes unchallenged.

“The church is here to influence the world not to be influenced by the world; it has to be the light and salt of the world, which is the principle of God’s word.”

Mabula quotes 2 Chronicles 7:14 (NIV), “If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves, pray and seek my face and turn away from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and I will forgive their sin and heal their land.” He says unless we repent and turn back to God seeking His divine intervention, the world is destined for a worse calamity than Sodom and Gomorrah suffered.

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Mabula says the “Youth Back to God” movement, which is based in Motherwell, Port Elizabeth, was birthed by the extent of the moral challenges confronting South Africa’s youth and propagated by the media. “Sin is interpreted as just a shortcoming and the concept of “ubuntu” is fast diminishing with ubiquitous communications technology is making pornography, nudity, sex, abortion, promiscuity, and homosexuality easily accessible.

Serving the community: Fikile Mabhula and members of the Emmanuel Haven team. (PHOTO: Youth Back to God)

“These are some of the things that are publicly displayed under the cloak of transparency, reality and democracy.

“All of this has resulted in undesirable consequences like the ever escalating rape statistics, teenage pregnancy, crime, drug use, child abuse, and violence in our society that seems to be the order of the day and night.”

Mabula says all this is affecting the up-and-coming generation in a decline of morals and lust for material satisfaction with little or no regard for spiritual growth, a sense of community and a willingness to sacrifice for the greater good. However, “Youth Back to God” believes the church is a community within the community, which means God has made the believers (church) to be the salt and the light of the world (Matt 5:13-14). He says the “Youth Back to God” movement is based on the ideals of standing-up for God by practising His word through the actions we take in our daily lives towards family, neighbours and community members.

“Faith without action is dead,” says Mabula. “’Youth Back to God’ are called to be the lights of God in the darkness of the world by serving those around us through acts of sacrificial kindness and helpfulness.

“Building a culture based on Jesus’s commandments: ‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind’ and ‘You shall love your neighbour as yourself’, our mission is to empower young people to fulfil the great commission as per Matthew 28:19 — ‘Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptising then in the name of the Father, Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age’.

”We believe that we cannot be passive Christians, we need to be active. The morality and the morale of our country and particularly of the youth is being attacked and undermined. We cannot stand by as ungodly standards cover us and society merely seems to acclimatise itself and get used to it.

“We need to align ourselves with the purpose and will of God without compromise, which is the reason we have the name ‘Youth back to God’, because we know that if we stand and take our position and the initiative, as Nehemiah did when rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem, then God will be on our side and heal our land,” says Mabula.

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For more information contact Fikile Mabula at Youth Back to God, 21 Mpanza Street Nu 7, Motherwell, Port Elizabeth, 6211. Telephone 083 424 9453 or e-mail:



    To Andre and gateway news crew, Alf James and others, may God bless you abundantly indeed we can not afford to setback and watch the spirit of jezebel reigning and ruining the lives of you people and our society.

  2. All Glory & Honour to God Almighty forever & ever Amen!!!


      Amen Busie because His Kingdom is ever-lasting, His mercy endures forever, He is the Alfa and the Omega, He reigns forever and ever Amen my sister.

  3. In a time of increasing lawlessnes and moral break down its good to see peoplegetting back to basics, I want to wish Fikile and his groupthe best, and may our Father prosper them.

    The Bible defines sin as ” 4 Whoever commits sin also commits lawlessness, and sin is lawlessness.” 1 John 3:4

    And it is telling that as Jesus refers to the two great commandments from Deuteronomy 6:4 and Leviticus 19:18 to love God and love neighbour that Paul teaches us that to love is to obey the Law and specifically the Ten Commandments which most Christian people could not name today.


      Amen Billy agree with 100%… sin is both a STATE and an ACT.
      There is a sin of Omission- Not doing what you suppose to do according to the word of God and a Sin of Commission- Doing what you not suppose to do according to the word of God. That then leaves with no room to be confined/content with usuallity in our local assembles/churches but we need to step-up and step-out of our comfort zones and look for what needs to be done in the Body of Christ. As per Christ Jesus’s GREAT COMMISSION ” Go ye therefore, and make disciples of ALL NATIONS, baptize them in the name of the Father, and the of Son and of the Holy Ghost” (KJV) Mathew 28v19 I am very much bless by your comment thank you God Bless you.

  4. Hugh G Wetmore

    Your movement YOUTH BACK TO GOD is an encouragment to others who tend to give up on the moral slide away from God. Thank you for your commitment to Jesus, and to going against the tide of sinful tolerance. “Run the race with perseverance, with your eyes fixed on Jesus” Hebrews 12:1,2


      Hi Hugh, wow! wonderful words indeed. Its only living fish that can swim against the stream. For that reason we cant do it with our own strength but we depend upon the finished work at the cross “When Jesus therefore had received the vinegar, He said IT IS FINISHED and He bowed His head and gave up the ghost (KJV) John 19:30. We thank God for prayers from you guys.

  5. wonderful movement. may God bless and guide you


      Hi Peta-Annel, thank you very much, for words of encouragement that this means a lot to us as Youth Back to God Movement. His guidance is our campus for direction thanks again please pray with us.


    Thank you so much guys your comments are so blessful and encouraging may God bless you.
    This is the time where every Child of God needs to pray not only individual prayers but for mankind, Especially the Youth. we are living on injury time(grace period) all the signs are showing that we living in END TIMES. This country/continent/world needs God “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord, the people He Has chosen as His heritage” (ESV) Psalms 33v12.