A letter to Gateway News subscribers — from a fellow-subscriber

CLICK HERE for more info about the Gateway News Voluntary Subscription programme that was launched at the suggestion of Gateway News readers.

Dear Gateway News Subscribers,

I am writing to you as a subscriber of Gateway News, and not in any other capacity, other than one whose heart has been burdened so see that this newspaper continues to provide us with on-going news. I do not have any affiliation with Gateway News other than serving as one of their intercessors.

To begin with, I would ask you to consider the following:-

1. Given the times that we’re living in, is it not of vital importance that we have the means of keeping us, as Christian believers, connected? This online community of Gateway News stretches beyond borders and denominations and at a push of a button, the editor can communicate to us.

2. Do you subscribe to your local newspaper?  Perhaps it’s not on a daily basis; perhaps you buy the newspaper a few times a week. In some communities, there is a weekly community paper which is distributed for free, but given the number of magazines and newspapers that are on sale in supermarkets and stationers, there is some form of newspapers that each of us subscribe to, and pays for.  The question we need to ask ourselves now is this – if I’m prepared to pay for a newspaper or magazine filled with the events and personalities of the world, should I not be prepared to pay a subscription for a newspaper filled with the work of God’s people? We often seem to have the misguided notion that if we’re providing a service for the extension of God’s kingdom, we do not need to charge for the services. But I believe that this is incorrect. Surely we should be diverting our resources away from supporting the worldly newspapers to supporting kingdom work?

Gateway News has run as a free subscription to all its readers, but how can anyone of us expect them to continue to provide us this service for free? They have proved the calibre of their reporting and I know that there are many of us who look forward to the arrival of this online newspaper each Friday. One gentleman even plans his coffee break around the arrival of Gateway News on Fridays.

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3. And lastly, I did a little calculation based on the price of a weekly newspaper at R5. In a year, one will have spent R260. If each of us contributed just R10 per month, or R120 per annum, by way of a subscription to Gateway News, we not only are helping them continue to provide a very worthwhile service, but we are ensuring that as Christians, we remain connected through this network. As times become more challenging, we are going to need to stand together, in prayer, with one voice. What greater practical hub is there to keep us connected?

I urge each one of you reading this to commit to supporting Gateway News. While the editor and his family have walked in spirit and faith, they still have to live in the flesh.

Blessings in Christ

Colleen Martin

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  1. Lets start a new column….”I PLEDGE”

  2. Amen Colleen!!
    As Believers we are often very stingy when it comes to supporting His Kingdom in ways that are not “seen”. In that way we have had our reward already…..
    Let’s support financially as well….

  3. I have often found that Christians when they need a service, or product, expect it to be given for free or at a reduced cost. And then I have experienced even more that Christian’s are expected to work at drug rehabs or mission stations or Christian organisations,for a minimal wage or nothing and are told have ‘faith’ or ‘you are working for the Lord, so trust Him to provide’. But I actually don’t find any of it scriptural. The Word says ‘a worker is worthy of his wages’. Food for thought!