All Sons & Daughters — Live: Review

allsonsanddaughtersMusic Review by Ellenor Lotter


Just when I started thinking about what my next review would entail, my dear friend Traidy walks in the door, holding in his hand one of the titles that André had given me to review…  Needless to say this was an obvious choice for me to continue on our journey of new sound discovery. Let me introduce you to ALL SONS & DAUGHTERS — LIVE, brought to us by Integrity Music. This time however, more of my senses were enticed as this album also includes a full length DVD, oh joy!!

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With the school holidays now in full swing, I spend less time in my car and more time at home, so I could hardly contain my excitement when I had a DVD now to complete the picture in my mind!  I found myself dancing as I prepared breakfast on Sunday morning.  There is such a sense of real honesty on the one side, where you cannot help but join in the singing, to intimacy on the other, in this album. And I do believe seeing the DVD only enhanced the experience, but even before I had a chance to watch, my ears picked up on the trend of this excellent production.

You could clearly sense that this beautiful group of young people did not get together to put on a show; their sole purpose was to press into the presence of God and dwell there. The Word clearly states that God dwells amongst the praises of His people and listening to this album I was drawn into that place of worship. Something that also touched my heart was the emphasis they place on community and the way they journey together. I was reminded of Jesus telling His disciples to love one another so the world would recognise them as being His followers. [John 13:35]

This set was excellently co-lead by Leslie Jordan on Lead Vocals and Acoustic Guitar and David Leonard on Lead Vocals and Keys.  They flow together very spontaneously and are obviously having fun doing it too!  Two of the names you might recognise as some of the co-writers on this album are none other than Paul Baloche and Matt Maher.  [We did a review on Matt’s latest offering two weeks ago.]

I truly believe this will be a very good addition to your CD collection.

If you are in the privileged position of having some time of in the next week, enjoy every moment and use the time to let the worshipper in you arise!!



One Comment

  1. Hi there!
    I would like to know where I can get their Cd?

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