Pro-life sticker campaign spreads from Cape Town to PE

Port Elizabeth pro-life activist, Glen Brown and his team have taken to the streets to promote life, by placing anti-abortion ‘Value Life’ stickers over illegal abortion advertisements in the city.

Brown launched the initiative a few months ago after he read about Peter Throp, the founder of Value Life, who earlier this year won an appeal against a conviction for damaging public property for placing anti-abortion stickers over the life-threatening, illegal abortion stickers on Cape Town streets. He contacted Throp who agreed to partner with him by supplying his team with Value Life stickers.

Brown and his group are opposed to the killing of unborn children, whether by legal abortion or through the activities of backyard abortionists whose deceitful stickers promising safe and painless abortions are a common site on the streets of PE and many other cities in South Africa. The group members believe that an unborn child has the right to live and is destined for a great purpose. “For you created my innermost being; You knit me together in my mother’s womb” — Psalm139:13.

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Commenting on their PE sticker campaign, Brown said: “The messages [on the Value Life stickers] are loud and clear and imprinted in the hearts and minds of both men and women. These stickers are everywhere in sight and appear to be the right thing to do”.

He said the team is dedicated to their campaign to cover the illegal abortion stickers with prolife stickers regardless of the obstacles they face. On several occasions the group has been threatened by authorities but “backing down is not an option”.

Each time the group takes to the streets they know that the Holy Spirit protects and guides their every move. “We have noticed that the Value Life stickers have not been removed, whilst other advertisements alongside the lethal [abortion] messages are regularly being scraped and replaced with new content. It’s as if these stickers have a protective bubble over them”, Brown said. He said people who want more information about the campaign or who would like to get involved can email him at

Since the Termination of Pregnancy Act was passed on February 1, 1997 more than 1,1 million babies have been legally killed in the womb in SA, says Africa Christian Action (ACA). Illegal abortion have also increased since 1997 — a dangerous trend that is exacerbated by the plastering of  illegal abortion stickers at taxi ranks, alongside walkways and on lampposts in SA cities. 


  1. The time has come for us to stand up and say no more!!No more killing of children!!We need to speak for those who cannot speak for themselves.It is a must to join this group.

  2. Hi Glenn

    I’ve mailed you privately. I applaud what you are standing up to do. We need to meet.

    Warmly, in His Service

    Graham Ries

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