Arts and entertainment focus

Dear friend

In our arts and entertainment coverage this week we interview multi-talented Courtney Jonas, (right),  presenter of new teen TV show iShine Southern Starz . We also feature the latest album by Cape Town worship team Proxy. Be ready to be blown away, says our reviewer! Also read about the return of PE’s popular Richmond Hill Street Music Festival. And we report on a plan to use music, drama and debate in the war against drugs and gangsterism in PE’s Northern Areas. Our vision is to provide all of our readers with news and reviews on good stuff to read, watch and listen to. You can help by telling us what arts and entertainment topics interest you.

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In other news, Angus Buchan got back this week from a ministry trip to Northern Ireland which he said was one of the highlights of his life. He spoke to Catholics and Protestants together and says he was amazed by their response to the gospel message. We also visited Surf Masters in Jeffreys Bay this week. We were inspired to learn how they use surfing to make disciples. We will update this news overview in our regular Gateway News Roundup on Kingfisher FM at 12 noon on Sunday!

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Blessings, Andre

Gateway News is a project of Transformation Christian Network

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