Africa News

UK report on Nigeria calls for urgent action on Islamist persecution of Christians

Originally published in Church Times The rise of Islamic fundamentalism has led to the killing of more than 7 000 Christians in Nigeria by religious militants since 2015, a situation compounded by climate change, competition over resources, the spread of misinformation, and access to firearms. These are the key findings of a report, Nigeria: Unfolding genocide?, released […]

Kenya family denies man for standing with Christ

Originally published in International Christian Concern. After converting to Christianity, Yasin Bakari, a father of two living in coastal Kenya, fears that he will be killed. He heard the Gospel in March and was moved enough to abandon his old faith. Now, he receives threats daily from the Muslim faithful […]

Eritrea online protest targets massive detention of Christians

Originally published in BosNewsLife. Leading rights groups and church officials planned to hold Thursday May 28, their annual protest and prayer vigil against the reported massive persecution of Christians in Eritrea for the first time online, amid ongoing coronavirus lockdown restrictions in Britain. The protest usually takes place outside the […]

Christian leaders in Zimbabwe disturbed by abductions

Originally published in Vatican News The abduction and torture of three female opposition leaders by some unknown people in Zimbabwe has raised a wave of condemnations and calls for investigations into abductions and disappearances. Three female leaders, members of the opposition Movement for Democratic Change–Alliance (MDC-Alliance), were allegedly abducted in […]