
ACDP leaders, parents, take strong stand against CSE during Pretoria protest march

“Not on our watch!” Bishop Dalton Adams, ACDP member of parliament, said to a big group of riled-up protestors in front of the Department of Basic Education‘s offices in Pretoria last Saturday. A march was held last in the city to protest against the proposed introduction of comprehensive sexuality education […]

Department’s Twitter campaign to promote reading sparks concerns over sexuality education plans

The Department of Basic Education (DBE) is having to put out fires again after it came to light that a recent Twitter campaign to promote reading for children, included provocative images of scantily clad and (apparently) naked women and couples in bed. Not surprisingly, this campaign has sparked fresh concern […]

Pretoria march planned to oppose sexualisation of schoolchildren

South Africans across the religious spectrum are invited to participate in a march in Pretoria on Saturday August 17 to protest against the radical sexualisation of school children through the proposed introduction of comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) in schools. Organisers of the protest action, the ACDP, say they aim to fight […]