
Mugabe’s days numbered — but keep praying for peace in Zimbabwe

Yesterday — a day in which Christians in Zimbabwe responded in numbers to a call to participate in “Breakthrough Prayer” rallies in Harare and Bulawayo — 93-year-old President Robert Mugabe stunned his countrymen when he delivered a highly-anticipated “resignation speech” on national television in which he did not resign. Prior […]

WATCH: Lindy-Ann reflects on the impact of Reinhard Bonnke’s ‘Passing the Torch’ crusade

In her final special report from Nigeria for Gateway News, Lindy-Ann Hopley of Beautiful Witness Ministries, reflects on the exciting impact of Reinhard Bonnke’s farewell crusade. Fittingly named “Passing the Torch” the legendary evangelist passed the torch to the next generation — releasing the fire of God on hundreds of […]

Military takes over Zimbabwe’s capital — Christian leaders awaiting developments

Originally published in Crux Christian leaders in Zimbabwe are being cautious after the military took over key areas of the capital, and confined the country’s 93-year-old president, Robert Mugabe, to his home. The Commission of Social Communications of the Archdiocese of Harare issued a statement after the military action, noting […]

Pastor Evan Mawarire calls for unity in Zimbabwe, urges Church leaders to engage with army and politicians

Zimbabwe’s well-known social media activist pastor, Evan Mawarire, responded swiftly to today’s military takeover in Zimbabwe, streaming a “citizens’ broadcast” on Facebook this morning, calling on Zimbabweans to be calm, hopeful, united and prayerful. In his broadcast from Harare, which garnered nearly 60 000 views and thousands of comments in […]