Church leaders in Nelson Mandela Bay (NMB) were united in an ambitious plan to transform the city over the next five years, said Transformation Christian Network (TCN) executive member Trevor Jennings. “We’ve lost a lot of ground. And if we, as the Church, are going to take up our responsibility […]
No Mighty Men Conference in W.Cape, but Limpopo, E.Cape powering ahead
There will be no Mighty Men Conference (MMC) in the Western Cape this year it was announced today but planning for the Bushveld MMC in Limpopo in March and the Karoo MMC in the Eastern Cape in April are forging ahead. Announcing the Western Cape decision today, Radio Tygerberg CEO […]
UK Christians told by advertising authority that they cannot say that people can be healed from physical illness
By Dan Wooding – Originally published in Assist News Service The British Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) has told a group of Christians in the city of Bath, located in Somerset, south west England, not to make any claims which state or imply that, by receiving their prayer, people could be […]
Soaking the Government in prayer!
Every day of 2012 intercessors will spend 30 minutes to half an hour at the Union Buildings, Pretoria, praying for the South African government. At least that is the ambitious goal of a prayer team known as the Pretoria Prayer Force (PPF) which is mobilising local Christians to participate in […]
My experience at the pro-life prayer vigil outside Parliament
[notice]Mieneke van der Merwe joined a group of pro-life supporters who gathered in Central Cape Town yesterday to mark the National Day of Repentance — the 15th anniversary of abortion on demand legislation in South Africa.[/notice] ABORTION ON DEMAND On February 1, 1997, against the will of most South Africans, […]
Youth march through PMB ahead of AE jubilee mission
More than 100 young people marched through the Pietermaritzburg city centre on Saturday (January 28) in a forerunner to a citywide mission that will celebrate 50 years of ministry by African Enterprise (AE) on the African continent. AE founder Michael Cassidy’s vision to “evangelise the cities of Africa through word […]
TopTV CEO on way out over porn plans
TopTV CEO Vino Govender is getting axed because of his misguided porn plans and slow growth in subscriber numbers, reports TV writer Thinus Ferreira. Govender outraged South Africans in early December when he backtracked on a 2010 pledge that TopTV would adhere to Christian family values and would not broadcast […]
SA condom failures
By Thaddeus Baklinski — Originally published in LifeStiteNews.Com 1.35 million condoms given out prior to celebrations put on by South Africa’s governing political party, the African National Congress, have been recalled due to complaints that the locally made prophylactics were defective. Spokesman Jabu Mbalula of the health department of the […]
Participate in local Secrecy Bill hearings — CPLO
Citizens opposed to the Protection of State Information Bill, otherwise known as the Secrecy Bill, are strongly encouraged to attend public hearings in their area, the Parliamentary Liaision Office (CPLO) of the Southern African Catholic Bishops Conference urges in a newsletter today. After being approved – by 229 votes against […]
Icasa refuses TopTV porn application
The Independent Communications Authority (Icasa) has turned down Top TV’s application to launch a new, standalone hardcore pornography package of channels. Icasa has said it will provide reasons for its decision withing 30 days. The Icasa decision brings to an end a stormy two months battle during which South Africans […]