The Broadcasting Complaints Commission of South Africa (BCCSA) has fined MultiChoice R20 000 for inadvertently displaying a PG13 rating on its electronic programme guide (EPG) for a film that was in fact rated 18LV. A BCCSA tribunal upheld the complaints of two viewers, Debbie Hubbard and Bonnie Warburton, that MultiChoice’s […]
Christian volunteers play integral role in Billabong Pro
Each morning, as the sun rises over the ocean and the who’s who of the surfing world scan the wave conditions at Jeffreys Bay, Africa’s top surfing event, gets underway with a prayer — the chaplain’s blessing. It was not always that way, says Andy Pitt, leader of an official […]
Helenvale leaders want special Gangster Court
Helenvale community leaders are calling for the establishment of a special Gangster Court in a move aimed at protecting law abiding residents from brazen gangsters who have no fear of the law enforcement system. “It seems the kids (young gangsters) are no longer afraid of jail. The druglords pay their […]
Catch the fire at PE Burn 24/7!
Lighthouse Church is the place to be on Friday night (July 15) for five hours of non stop radical spontaneous worship – and this is only the beginning ! We are setting Nelson Mandela Bay ablaze with Jesus’ love. At the last PE Burn at the end of May we […]
PE can prosper if church takes lead — Gen Rabie
Citywide prayer and upliftment vision outlined Port Elizabeth co-police chief General Dawie Rabie today spelled out a bold vision to “take back Port Elizabeth” through sustained prayer walking and creative upliftment projects. “Perhaps the shootings are a test of our faith. We must keep walking by faith and if we […]
Churches in Nigeria shuttered, reduced as terrorism rises
By Obed Minchakpu – Compass Direct News MAIDUGURI, Nigeria, July 13 – Christians in northern Nigeria’s Borno state, already forced to abandon worship services due to attacks by Islamic sect Boko Haram, are bracing for a massive assault to commemorate the death of the extremists group’s leader at the end […]
FAMSA joins social media revolution
FAMSA in Port Elizabeth is embracing social media technology that could greatly increase its ability to reach communities with a wide range of family support services. Ten FAMSA counsellors in PE have undergone training in the use of the innovative South African-developed JamiiX platform and the organisation plans to pilot […]
NG Sinode veroordeel seksuele uitbuiting van vroue en kinders
Me Elize Morkel, ’n ervare sielkundige, het onlangs tydens die Wes-en-Suid-Kaapse sinodesitting ’n aanbieding oor diversiteit en geslagsgelykheid gehou. Die Sinode het in Mei 2011 by Goudini vergader. Me Morkel het die gesprek ingelei met stawende statistiek en die nodige agtergrond oor die verwoestende effek van pornografie, en die gevolge […]
PE Christians declare war on illegal abortion posters
Many people in PE have noticed an increase in abortion stickers on poles, signboards and walls all over Port Elizabeth. One person has decided to tackle the problem by mobilising local Christians to join hands in ridding the city of these illegal and offensive posters. PE freelance public speaker, Shelley […]
Beswaar teen bewerings van plundering
Die NG Kerk het gister beswaar gemaak teen ‘n berig in Beeld waarin die kerk genoem is in verband met beweerde plundering van die staatskas in die skemerjare van die apartheidstyd. Media24 se koerante berig vandeesweek dat die Openbare Beskermer beoog om ‘n volledige ondersoek uit te voer. In die […]