Christians backing 3D movie portraying Biblical account of creation

GENESIS3DChristian supporters of a pioneering feature length movie project that aims to portray the first three chapters of Genesis literally, using cutting-edge 3D visual effects and the latest scientific research, have pledged nearly $240 000 to date.

Within just over a week of launching their Indiegogo crowd funding campaign the US makers of Genesis 3D reached their minimum production target of $150 000 and a church in Texas pledged an additional $100 000 toward getting the completed movie into cinema theatres across America in order to bring the Biblical story of God’s creation of the universe to millions.

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The filmmakers Creation Today and Seven Fold films extended the crowd funding campaign to November 31 and at the time of posting this article the amount pledged on was $237 897. Another donor has pledged to match crowd funding donations above $200 000 up to a maximum of $80 000.

Director and producer Ralph Strean said in an interview published in TheBlaze that the grassroots funding support made up of individual donations as little as $10, shows that Christians crave “quality productions that are Biblically accurate and stand for the truth of the Holy Scriptures.”

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The film’s executive producer, Creation Today President Evic Hovind, told TheBlaze that he wants viewers to experience the creation story in a very personal way — so personal, in fact, that they actually feel like they were there when it happened (hence the 3D effects).

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“Genesis 3D will bring to life the Genesis account as it has never been done before,” he said. “And not just with great visual effects, but also up to date scientific research from leading experts in biblical creation.”

He said:“The new Genesis 3D Movie is thrilled to be working with some of the leading scientists and theologians in the Creation movement. Renowned ministries like Answers in Genesis and the Institute for Creation Research have expressed their enthusiasm to lend their PhD power to Genesis 3D.”

He said he and his team have spent years looking at the creation issue and the film will be the perfect opportunity to add perspective to the ongoing debate.

“Those who dismiss the Bible will need to reconsider their position upon experiencing Genesis 3D,” he said, also stating that he believes the film will be a major barrier for evolutionary enthusiasts. “[The film] directly confronts the lie of evolution which has so permeated our culture.”

According to the official synopsis of the film viewers “will see and understand what happened when Adam and Eve sinned, and what the results really were. When they understand what happened with the first Adam, they will be able to understand the need for the Last Adam, Jesus Christ.”

According to the film makers the project is nearly at the halfway mark and is scheduled for completion in mid 2014.


  1. Its amazing that so many people still take the Creation Story literally when there is so much Archeological and Scientific evidence supporting Evolution.

  2. Mark, there is actually very little Scientific evidence for Evolution. The vast majority of of Evolutionary “Science” turns out to be supposition. The problem is that we are all brainwashed into believing that it is based on true scientific research and because it seems logical, we end up believing in it blindly.
    If you are a Christian, and if you have an open mind, you might try reading the material on the Creation Ministries International ( or the Institute for Christian Research website (
    From childhood I believed in Evolution and tried to compromise by adopting “Long Creation” Theory and “Gap Theory” ideas, but the truth is that if you believe in evolution there is no real need to believe in God or in the need for a Saviour.
    I think that you will be surprised at the weight of evidence (presented by reputable scientists) in favour of Creation. – I was!

  3. No Mark, it’s amazing that so many people take evolution as a given. In the Bible it says “One day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as a day”
    I do not believe that the “First days” of Creation means 24 hours. The “First Day” could’ve been a million “human years”, the “Second day” perhaps longer or shorter in human terms. The animals were created, but I would imagine that the dinosaurs were created in the “morning” and the more “modern” animals in the “late afternoon” GOD is not bound by time, HE created time for us as a way to “measure age”. If evolution was such a perfect way to describe how we, as humans, came into being, why would we still have so many different species of fauna and flora in any given biosphere? Why would we still have rattlesnakes? Mosquitos? Fleas? Bees? Bees cannot fly – their bodies are too heavy for their wings? Only GOD, having His infinite wisdom, could have created them with exactly the right type and mechanism of wings to lift their bodies and carry them miles and miles away from their nests to gather pollen. Fleas, ticks, mosquitos, flies, all these ‘parasites’ are needed to keep the ecosystem in balance. I could go on an on and on, basically what I want to say is that the whole universe DOES stem from “intelligent design”, but it is due to the Intelligent Designer, GOD, the only source of life and intelligence.

    • “Does Genesis chapter 1 mean literal 24-hour days?”

      Answer: A careful examination of the Hebrew word for “day” and the context in which it appears in Genesis will lead to the conclusion that “day” means a literal, 24-hour period of time. The Hebrew word yom translated into the English “day” can mean more than one thing. It can refer to the 24-hour period of time that it takes for the earth to rotate on its axis (e.g., “there are 24 hours in a day”). It can refer to the period of daylight between dawn and dusk (e.g., “it gets pretty hot during the day but it cools down a bit at night”). And it can refer to an unspecified period of time (e.g., “back in my grandfather’s day…”). It is used to refer to a 24-hour period in Genesis 7:11. It is used to refer to the period of daylight between dawn and dusk in Genesis 1:16. And it is used to refer to an unspecified period of time in Genesis 2:4. So, what does it mean in Genesis 1:5-2:2 when it’s used in conjunction with ordinal numbers (i.e., the first day, the second day, the third day, the fourth day, the fifth day, the sixth day, and the seventh day)? Are these 24-hour periods or something else? Could yom as it is used here mean an unspecified period of time?

      We can determine how yom should be interpreted in Genesis 1:5-2:2 simply by examining the context in which we find the word and then comparing its context with how we see its usage elsewhere in Scripture. By doing this we let Scripture interpret itself. The Hebrew word yom is used 2301 times in the Old Testament. Outside of Genesis 1, yom plus a number (used 410 times) always indicates an ordinary day, i.e., a 24-hour period. The words “evening” and “morning” together (38 times) always indicate an ordinary day. Yom + “evening” or “morning” (23 times) always indicates an ordinary day. Yom + “night” (52 times) always indicates an ordinary day.

      The context in which the word yom is used in Genesis 1:5-2:2, describing each day as “the evening and the morning,” makes it quite clear that the author of Genesis meant 24-hour periods. The references to “evening” and “morning” make no sense unless they refer to a literal 24-hour day. This was the standard interpretation of the days of Genesis 1:5-2:2 until the 1800s when a paradigm shift occurred within the scientific community, and the earth’s sedimentary strata layers were reinterpreted. Whereas previously the rock layers were interpreted as evidence of Noah’s flood, the flood was thrown out by the scientific community and the rock layers were reinterpreted as evidence for an excessively old earth. Some well-meaning but terribly mistaken Christians then sought to reconcile this new anti-flood, anti-biblical interpretation with the Genesis account by reinterpreting yom to mean vast, unspecified periods of time.

      The truth is that many of the old-earth interpretations are known to rely upon faulty assumptions. But we must not let the stubborn close-mindedness of some scientists influence how we read the Bible. According to Exodus 20:9-11, God used six literal days to create the world in order to serve as a model for man’s workweek: work six days, rest one. Certainly God could have created everything in an instant if He wanted to. But apparently He had us in mind even before He made us (on the sixth day) and wanted to provide an example for us to follow

      Read more:

      • Good explanation Hanno. It’s high time that all professing Christians turned back to a belief in the literal truth of Scripture. To many of us try to compromise with the world and end up compromising their faith. Jesus certainly had no qualms in quoting from the Old Testament; so if He, the Son of God, considered it to be the literal truth, shouldn’t all confessing Christians do the same?

  4. good effort and God bless you.

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