Don’t let church or lockdown limit you — Lindy-Ann Hopley

This might be slightly different to what you think it is! Hang in there with me for a minute.

In the book of Romans it says : “All creation is waiting for the true sons and daughters of God to be revealed”
If you are a believer and reading this today — guess what?!It is talking about YOU!

I and Miss Lauren – my assistant for the weekend – were on our way back from church meetings I was preaching at in Lake Charles, Louisiana in the USA. Saturday night a “healing conference ” and Sunday afternoon three hours of just ministering at a Vineyard Church.

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It was amazing! The look on the faces of 90% of people in the audience who have never seen a miracle in front of their own eyes when they see snot and tears after a leg grew out and a back was healed and more – PRICELESS!

More tears and shouts of joy followed! Also, the altar was filled with people coming back to God!

There is NOTHING like seeing the revelation of the goodness of God manifest on people’s faces when they get healed. The shock, the awe, the joy, the tears — basically the “aha”, “God does love me” and “this just really happened” moments.

If I love it and I don’t even know the people, imagine God’s heart when He sees His children’s faces! Wow!

Sunday the “overflow” service was powerful too — demons were crushed as heaven broke loose!

But it didn’t stop there.

As we drove back home we stopped to check on the oil. A grand Freemason lodge unit chaplain  stopped to help us , but actually he needed the help! Woah… Go Jesus — that was a divine appointment. (See story on Facebook)

Fast forward to the restaurant we stopped at for dinner…

Must watch what God did!

Isn’t that just wild!?

I want to tell you! The fact that we weren’t in church didn’t stop us. The mask our waitress had on didn’t stop us.

Nothing stopped Jesus.

As a matter of fact, He was adamant to die for us. “He was led like a lamb to the slaughter” without even complaining! What is your complaint? Your excuse? What is stopping you from stepping out?


Grace empowers you. The Word says this : “What is impossible with man is possible with God” — Luke 18:27

For they overcame by the blood of the land and the word of their testimony and did not love their lives unto death.“– Rev 12:11
We need to die to fear and awaken to love! Love does wild things — just look at John 3:16.

No matter where you go, take Jesus with you!

Don’t let not being in church or lockdown stop you.

You’ve got a job to do — it’s called the great commission. Go!

Love & Fire

One Comment

  1. Oh, Our Lord is so great, so powerful, sending this vessel of Him on sometimes, it might look as a detour.. And then He himself takes the wheel.. Lord Jesus, bless this always willing daughter with Your strenght and guidance…Thank You ,Father,Son and Holy Spirit all in one… Maranatha,come Lord Jesus, come..Amen…

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