EL woman on road trip to prepare for repentance, restoration mission

Erna Goedhardt (seated third from left) with community members in Douglas who were excited to hear about her restoration vision.

An East London woman has embarked on a road trip through South Africa and Namibia to prepare for a national repentance and restoration mission that has been brewing in her heart for more than 15 years.

She said the ‘mini road trip’ which she began in Kimberley last Thursday (June 5, 2014) is a forerunner to a much bigger ‘Jonah 3’ road trip in which God has directed her to call Christians together at stadiums to repent of everything that is not in His will in the Body of Christ. The repentance will clear the way for the implementation of the God-inspired ‘Unity Corporation’ strategy for the total restoration of South Africa, she said.

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Erna Goedhart.
Erna Goedhart.

She said that after she was saved in 1998, God told her he would roll out a restoration project as she walked in faith. Since then she was led to move to East London and has had opportunities to share her restoration vision with the heads of local and national Government departments in the areas of Correctional Services, Justice, SAPS and the Crime Prevention division within SAPS.

“They all wanted the project implemented immediately as the objectives address the root issues behind all anti-social behaviour,” she said.

Meeting with President Zuma
“However, we had to wait for God’s perfect timing and in the meantime, He sent me to find an open door for an appointment with President Jacob Zuma.This opportunity only came four years later as the Lord connected me with a family member of the President.This meeting took place at his Nkandla residence and I had to state that this project is indeed a Joseph’s storehouse project for the difficult times ahead and if we do not implement it from national level, it would be over for our country. I then had to ask him for a position of authority on national level to roll this strategy out on his behalf.”

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She said more puzzle pieces fell into place recently when she met Retha Venter, an organiser of the Menorah Mission journey. She saw that that the mission in which menorahs (lamps) were given to ministries in all nine provinces, was a strategic prophetic action to usher in what God is about to do in the country — “…that He is about to bring forth His Light to South Africa and nations on this once dark continent. And He is even going to bring forth His Light on governmental levels”.

“God is definitely asking different members of the Body to perform certain tasks, and all these actions will culminate in His glory being brought to this nation,” she said.

Goedhart said the major Jonah 3 road trip has already been planned but God has not yet given His date for it. He had, however, directed her to undertake her mini road trip now. She has posted the route as well as a short description of the trip on Facebook, where also shares trip progress reports. In news from Kimberley and Douglas she reports that she has had warm responses from fellowship and community groups and prison inmates and did a recording for broadcast on Kruiskyk TV.

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