Fire Trails spark revival fervour in Eastern Cape

Fire Trails team member Anton van Niekerk (with raised hand) ministering to about 600 unemployed people attending a Tuesday morning service at Jesus is Lord Ministries (JILM) in Kleinskool. JILM hand out food parcels after this weekly service.

Fire Trails teams blazed through the Eastern Cape this week following the launch of the Fire Trails prayer and revival inititative on Signal Hill, Cape Town on Saturday March 5.

Fire Trails is a national prayer and revival campaign in which four teams made up of preachers, prophets, intercessors, worship teams and organisers are crossing South Africa from south to north over a period of 40-days in an effort to link hands with local communities with the goal of achieving sustainable Biblical transformation. The campaign which is backed by 55 prominent South African ministries was birthed out of prophetic visions in which various people saw a picture of South Africa, with trails or trains of fire running from the south towards the north.

Gateway News caught up with Eastern Route Fire Trail leader Rita Marè in Port Elizabeth this week. The 54-member team which includes the so-called Hit Squad, made up of former gangsters, ministered at schools, police stations, a prison and churches during a two-day stay in the area. The team presented a plaque to the Mayor of PE Councillor Thandoxolo  Wayile, with a Scripture  reflecting their prophetic insight that Port Elizabeth will be the heart of revival fire in SA. Marè said the team however believed there were underlying issues of disunity that needed to be dealt with in the city.

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Nelson Mandela Bay co-ordinator for Fire Trails, Joan Keeling of Transformation Christian Network, said today that she was thrilled with everything that took place during the Fire Trail’s visit. The team ministered in Gqebera (Walmer Township), Helenvale, Kleinskool, Zwide and Motherwell and a significant number of people made first-time commitments and recommitments to Jesus during their visits. The team brought impetus to Christian projects in these areas by upping the level of boldness and fervour for revival, she said.

“In 1 Kings 18 Elijah said he heard the sound of abundant rain coming and told his servant to look out for it. Eventually the servant saw a cloud like a man’s hand and Elijah declared that a mighty rain was about to fall. That is how it feels after the Fire Trials visit,” said Keeling. She said the Fire Trails team had offered to provide various resources to support local initiatives and that local projects would make use of tracts and some other material on offer.

She said the prophetic picture of Port Elizabeth as the heart of revival and the insight into the need for dealing with areas of disunity in the city lined up with other prophetic words that local church leaders considered to be authentic, such as that Port Elizabeth is a gateway city and that the root iniquity, since Bartholomew Diaz’ crew mutinied in Algoa Bay, has been division.

After leaving Port Elizabeth, the Eastern Route Fire Trail team continued on its way northwards, on a route that will include stays in Queenstown, Umtata, Durban, Swaziland, Mozambique and Potchefstroom. Three other teams — the Central Trail, the Circle Trail and The Western Trail — are travelling north along different routes. By the end of the 40 day period, on April 16, Fire Trail teams will have ministered in 40 cities and towns in Southern Africa. More news and information about this initiative is available on the Fire Trails website.


  1. Thank you for the wonderful work done on your Trail – we pray for God’s guidance and protection on your way, and above all, for His blessings on your efforts!

  2. Pastor Joan Keeling

    The Fire Trails visit to the Bay was a wonderful success. Great things have been done and greater things are still to come in the city/Bay … All glory to God!

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