Would you believe me if I say that miracles do happen?
Corporate facilitator, Melissa Simon, saw money multiply before her eyes as she surrendered to God during her time of need. A few days before her rent was due she noticed that a substantially large amount of money was missing from her bank account, even after she had budgeted her monthly expenses attentively to ensure she had enough. This was an unwelcomed surprise and there were no possible explanations.
“I began to rely on my flesh,” she said. “Out of fear I immediately started thinking of ways to make up the outstanding R1 700,” which was the balance needed to pay her rent of R3 700. “I began making enquiries about pawning a few sentimental gifts I had received over the years.”
But every avenue Simon turned to, to make up for the loss, was closed.

(PHOTO: Face Book)
Too embarrassed to ask a relative or friend, she turned her eyes to God, remembering the words: “Depend on me”. Suddenly a wave of peace came over her and she decided to surrender the fear and trust the Lord whole heartedly.
The following night at a family group (Bible study) meeting, Simons’ family group leader asked the group if there were any prayer requests. Humbling herself, she stepped forward for prayer. After hearing her request her family group came together to make up the outstanding amount that she had trusted the Lord for. Collectively her family group dug into their pockets and blessed her. Anika Millhouse, her spiritual mother, insisted that she count the money to ensure she had the outstanding R1 700 to pay rent. She double checked and confirmed that she had the exact amount needed.
God of more than enough
At home that night, Simon sat down to count the money once more with the intention of placing it into an envelope for payment. She created three piles of R1 000 and one pile of R700 to make R3 700. She recounted the money…only to realise that there was an extra R200 note. Baffled by this she counted the money again and was still left with an extra R200. She laughed and thought that it must be fake money.’ Taking it into her hands she rubbed the brown R200 note together and, miraculously, the R200 note split into two R200 notes! At this stage Simon had an additional R400.
Overwhelmed by what she had just witnessed she checked the pile of money once again. She verified the piles of money by recounting each pile carefully. This time around, after each pile of R1 000 had been tallied, she was left with an additional three R100 notes. “It was as if the money multiplied just like Jesus multiplied two fish and five loaves to feed the thousands!” shared Simon.
In total Simon had now been blessed by the Lord with an additional R700. “I sat there in a daze holding the extra R700 in my hand and the rent of the money in my other hand and the Lord spoke to me saying: “depend not on your flesh but depend on Me”.
“The Lord had superseded my expectations of what He can do for me. Through this He showed me that He is capable of doing even greater things!”
Praise God!
That is the God we serve……praise The Lord…
The God of more than enough.
What an amazing testimony! It’s important to be connected to FAITH people … wow!
As I have always said, “Trust in the Lord” He will NEVER let you down, but He answers your prayers at the time He know is the right time. PRAISE THE LORD
What an awesome testimony of God’s goodness and provision.
Who needs to work!
wow!! Praise God for that awesome testimony!!!