Other News

Biblical entrepreneurship training in Joburg, Durban, Cape Town

Biblical Entrepreneurship classes are being offered in Johannesburg, Durban and Cape Town from May in a programme aimed at promoting a biblical worldview in the business arena, says transformational entrepreneur Patrick Kuwana. The national BE rollout follows an inaugural workshop in Johannesburg in early February during which trainees and teachers […]

Be a part of The City Harmonic’s Mountaintop music video!

The City Harmonic who have had over 1.3 million hits on their video for Manifesto, are in the process of creating a video for Mountaintop and are inviting people from around the world to be a part of it. Watch the video with the band below for more information. httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uJNuItiq2gE&feature=youtu.be […]

Blazing hot weekend worship dates in Cape Town, PE

The Burn 24/7 worship fire will rage all weekend in Cape Town in step with the Prophetic Encounters 2012 taking place at the Bay Community Church in Muizenburg. The Cape Town launch of Burn 24/7, an international worship and prayer movement, was at Prophetic Encounters 2011, which was attended by […]

Word Riders back on the road

The Word Riders, a group of motorcyclists who took to the road for the first time last year to distribute free Bibles to mark the 400th anniversary of the publication of the King James Bible, are hitting the trail again. The 15 motorcyclists and their support will be leaving Bible […]

Impressive listenership growth for Kingfisher FM

Close on twenty thousand online listeners, indicating 150 000 traditional listeners – this is the latest figure released for Nelson Mandela Bay based niche-caster, Kingfisher FM.‘Last month they had 19 840 unique listeners on audio streaming’, said Chris Grant of the NetDynamix Group in an independent report. ‘These listeners have […]

Tutu invitation to US Catholic university “shameful” — pro-life activists

Originally published in LifeSiteNews Observers are asking why a Catholic university in Spokane, Washington, would invite Anglican Archbishop Desmond Tutu to address its graduating class considering his decades-long record of supporting abortion, homosexuality, female ordination, theological liberalism, and collectivist economic theories condemned by the Roman Catholic Church. Administrators at Gonzaga […]