Other News

Canny amendments to the Secrecy Bill

[notice]As the National Council of Provinces (NCOP) public hearings process for the controversial Protection of State Information Bill continued this week, with hearings in Parliament, ANTHEA JEFFEREY of the South African Institute of Race Relations (SAIRR) highlights (see below article) some sneaky Bill provisions that she says are not the […]

Red Bull ad deliberately offensive — ASA

Red Bull breached the code of advertising practice by flighting a television advertisement that deliberately portrayed Jesus Christ in a disrepectful and  offensive way, said the Advertising Standards Authority of South Africa. In its ruling against the energy drink company, ASA rejected its argument that the ad was just a […]

Islamists nearly wipe out Christians in Syrian city

Originally published in Christian Post While the world is raising concerns over rights abuses by anti-government forces in Syria’s ongoing violent conflict, few would even know that militant Islamists have expelled the majority of Christians from the western city of Homs, according to the country’s largest church. The Catholic news […]