From Gerschwin Langeveldt Dear Editor I caught wind of some controversial Red Bull ad that was flighted and subsequently pulled off the air. After seeing the video for myself (me and 288,000 other youtube viewers) I started reading local newspaper articles and their comments. On the one hand I’ve seen a […]
Other News
Grand mufti of Saudi Arabia says all churches must be destroyed
Originally published in WND World A Muslim leader in Saudi Arabia is calling for the destruction of all Christian churches in Kuwait because he believes that is what Islam demands, according to a report. In an article published by the Middle East Forum, Raymond Ibrahim, a Shillman Fellow at the […]
52 Killed in string of Iraq bombings; Baghdad church targeted
Originally published in Christian Post The Syrian Orthodox Church of St. Matthew in Baghdad was one of the targets in a string of bombings Tuesday, as Iraqi extremists conducted a series of attacks in several cities and towns across the country that killed at least 52 people in total. Over […]
UK judge rules human rights don’t apply to Christian Facebook case
Originally published in Christian Today A Christian demoted by employers over comments he made about gay marriage on his Facebook page has been told he cannot appeal to human rights arguments in his defence. Disciplinary action was taken against Adrian Smith, a housing manager at Trafford Housing Trust (THT), last […]
Phillips, Craig & Dean release “Breathe In” in April
On the heels of a week filled with overwhelmingly positive reviews, several sold-out concerts abroad and their single “When The Stars Burn Down” poised to crown radio charts, it’s good to be Phillips, Craig & Dean! Christian Art Media says it is excited to announce that their latest recording Breathe […]
Calling 4 000 co-hosts for the Karoo Mighty Men!
The small, enthusiastic, band of Middelburg farmers who are organising this year’s Karoo Mighty Men Conference need 4 000 men to come to the party as co-hosts of the event. At least that is the view that was expressed around the table at a KMMC marketing committee meeting in Middelburg […]
Cape Town taxi bosses humbly repent before the Lord
[notice] SPECIAL REPORT by Pastor Bongani Mgayi on a Cape Town stadium prayer day yesterday at which leaders of taxi associations (CATA and CODETA) who were once sworn enemies asked the public to forgive them for the harm they had caused through their bitter rivalry. Faced with the challenge of […]
Not in God’s name!
[notice]Should Christians lighten up about the”humourous” use of God’s name in advertisements such as the recent controversial Red Bull TV ad? Pastor Afrika Mhlophe writes about the weightiness of the name that is above every other name.[/notice] On mount Sinai God gave the patriarch Moses commandments that were meant to […]
Dear Diary, I am made new!
[notice]A fortnightly column by Anna Heydenrych.[/notice] My husband was given a Moleskine notebook recently. I suggested that he give it to me, putting forward the argument that, as an aspiring writer I would make better use of it than he would. He said he would be keeping it for himself […]
Club with a heart for hockey and people
Hearts Hockey Club has a winning strategy that you will not find in any sports manual: they put people first and unconditionally accept anybody who wants to join the club. The result? They are competitive on the field, they have great fun, and relationships with God are started and grown. […]