Other News

Evangelical, Catholic, and mainline bodies issue evangelism rules

[notice]Missiologists applaud unity effort, but note what’s missing and what will raise eyebrows.[/notice] By Chris Norton – Originally published in Christianity Today Evangelical, Mainline Protestant, and Roman Catholic leaders convened in Geneva last week (June 28) to announce the release of a historic document on the ethics of Christian evangelism. […]

The People Vs e.tv (Phase 2)

Despite assurances to their advertisers that “Naked News” contradicted the channels “high family values,” e.tv again broadcasted the appallingly sexist strip show on Saturday 2 July at 1:10am. The channel of “high family values” also aired several pornographic SMS adverts that have proven to be harmful to children. Many reports […]


2017 SEPTEMBER 1 – 2 – Company of Prophets SA Conference at Hatfield Church Pretoria AUGUST Tues 1 – Marks meeting 11am Bonamia Tues 8 — Zuma no confidence debate Thur 10 -Bloem – launch of Mighty Families – Arno van Niekerk (First event in April 2018) JULY Wed 19 […]