When Port Elizabeth policeman Mornay Rossouw lay battered in hospital after a serious crime scene accident he was sceptical when a friend told him God had a plan for his life. Seven years later, during a service at the Biker’s Church in PE, he was struck by the truth of […]
Other News
Malema and Nelson Mandela compared: who will save South Africa?
From Pastor John Preller, Port Elizabeth Dear Editor We didn’t deserve Nelson Mandela, but we were blessed with his compassion, vision and wisdom, guiding our fledging democracy through the treacherous currents that threatened to abort the birth of our Rainbow Nation. Will we deserve what we tolerate with Malema’s poisonous […]
::Harbourlight:: making music and touching hearts
Johannesburg-based Christian melodic rock band ::Harbourlight:: are making a name for themselves in the Christian music scene in South Africa. They recently came to Port Elizabeth in April and played at well-supported events at Lighthouse Family Church and Harvest Christian Church. Meeting the band::Harbourlight:: is made up of four guys […]
“Israel alone at its hour of greatest peril”
Originally published (on June 17 2011) in the Jerusalem Post [notice]As was the case in May 1967, when the combined Arab armies gathered with the express purpose of wiping the Jewish state off the map – today again, Israel is alone at its hour of greatest peril, writes Caroline Glick, […]
Be visible and make a difference, Bishop tells “Mighty Men”
The Mighty Men Conference (MMC) movement must continue to grow and make a positive impact on South Africa, the Anglican Bishop of Port Elizabeth, Bethlehem Nopece said at a Coastal MMC breakfast in Port Elizabeth today. He urged the Port Elizabeth-based Coastal MMC to make a special effort to target […]
Sudanese military, militias kill Christians in South Kordofan
Special to Compass Direct News KHARTOUM, Sudan, June 17 — Military intelligence agents killed one Christian, and Islamic militants sympathetic to the government slaughtered another last week after attacking churches in Sudan’s embattled South Kordofan state. Christian sources said a Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) Intelligence unit detained Nimeri Philip Kalo, […]
New Al-Qaeda leader: No compromise on Palestine
Originally published in ynetnews.com After naming Osama bin Laden’s long-serving number two, Egyptian-born Ayman al-Zawahri, Al-Qaeda’s new leader, the terror group said it “will never recognize any legitimacy for the alleged state of Israel.” “We assure our people in Palestine that we will not accept any compromise with anyone […]
Palestinians will ask UN to recognise statehood
Originally published in Financial Times (June 16 2011) – via Worthy News The Palestinians will call on the UN in September to recognise an independent state in the West Bank, East Jersualem and Gaza Strip “under any circumstances”, even if peace talks with Israel can be revived, a senior Palestinian […]
US envoys meet Israelis, Palestinians in bid to revive peace talks
Originally published in the Jerusalem Post Top US officials met with Israeli and Palestinian leaders on Wednesday in an effort to jump-start the stalled peace talks, as EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton prepared to visit the region. The Americans are working on a formula that would restart negotiations and […]
Faith put to the test in popular trilogy
Book Review by Amanda Mould MARK OF THE LION SERIES by Francine Rivers Genre : Historical Epic How much faith do you have and would you compromise that faith under pressure? Haddasah the primary character in Book One — Voice in The Wind — has the kind of faith that […]