First Barry removed his shoe, then Luthando uncovered the bare facts, as the Kingfisher FM Good Morning Show presenters treated listeners to a well-deserved send-up of the show that has sparked protest actions by Christians opposed to airwaves porn. The Naked News programme, featuring women presenters who strip […]
Other News
Uganda puts anti-gay bill on hold
Originally published in Sunday Times Uganda’s parliament adjourned on Friday (May 13) without acting on a much-criticised anti-gay Bill that would mandate the death sentence in some cases, drawing praise from an advocacy group that said parliament’s failure to act was a ‘victory for all Ugandans’, according to a report […]
Analysis of Fatah-Hamas unity deal
By Mark Y. Rosenberg – Originally published (on May 14) in the Jerusalem Post [notice]To take full advantage of the Fatah-Hamas unity deal, Netanyahu must reiterate that Israel is willing to make peace with any state or authority that will accept its existence.[/notice] “The Arabs never miss an opportunity to […]
Be informed and vote your values, says Errol Naidoo
In a bid to assist Christian voters make informed decisions at the polls on Wednesday (May 18) Family Policy Institute director Errol Naidoo has asked the major political parties in South Africa to answer seven questions with specific reference to local government issues. The list of parties polled by Naidoo, and […]
Uniting Reformed Church urges members to participate in elections
Members of the Uniting Reformed Church in Southern Africa (URCSA) have been urged to vote in the local Government elections next week despite any temptation to ignore the elections as a result of poor service delivery by political leaders. The call is made in a pastoral letter published yesterday by […]
Porn protest marches to studios in Cape Town, Joburg
Christians, led by several women’s groups, will march to the studios in Cape Town and Johannesburg on Saturday May 21 to hand over a memorandum urging the broadcaster to remove sexually explicit programmes, says Africa Christian Action (ACA) in a media statement released today. The march organisers urge Christians […]
Airwaves porn under fire
Dear Friend Our ongoing coverage of the national switchoff campaign was the most viewed topic on Gateway News this week. This story attracted a lot of comments from readers – mostly FOR the campaign. Family Policy Institute director Errol Naidoo who called for the switch-off after dismissed Christians’ […]
Our news highlights of the week
Dear Friend This week we reported on the controversy over’s screening of Naked News. In the latest development in this breaking news story, Family Policy Institute director Errol Naidoo is mobilising an national switch-off campaign. He says programming contributes to the degradation of women and children and […]
Thanks for article on porn action
From Lafras Moolman, Uitenhage Hi Andre I’d like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for placing the article on ETV Porn and the national switch Off campaign I Read the article this past weekend and also made a few comments myself on the matter. I also immediately […]
Church and politics (2)
[notice]Part 2 of a two article series that explores the postion that the Church should occupy in relation to politics[/notice] In his book, Rediscovering the Kingdom, Dr Myles Munroe says; “People who adhere to some religion group, including Christians, consider themselves members of the group, which they perceive […]