Other News

What is happening in the Middle East?

[notice]An analysis of the headline-grabbing developments in the Middle East, by Dr Peter Hammond, founder and Director of Frontline Fellowship and and an evangelist to Muslims and a Missionary to restricted access areas for over 29 years.[/notice] The tidal waves of protests and riots convulsing capitals throughout the Arab world […]

Basics need to be in place

[notice]In Part 1 of a series of articles that review the economic growth needs of the Nelson Mandela Metro, freelance business writer and researcher Ed Richardson (right) identifies four basic needs.[/notice] There will be no meaningful economic growth in the Nelson Mandela Metro until we address four basic needs – […]

Spread The News

Help us spread the Good News We want to reach as many Christians as possible with our news stories from a Christian perspective. One way we can do this is by encouraging as many people as possible to subscribe to our free online weekly newsletter that includes links to the […]

Japannese Christene gee Xhosa Bybels aan SA kinders

“Weet julle waar is Japan? Dis baie ver, anderkant die aarde, en van doer ver af kom Miwa,” het die 80-jarige Ouma Nellie Johnson onlangs aan 40 opgewonde gesiggies van Mbekweni  verduidelik terwyl ‘n Japanese besoeker, Miwa Teauche, aan elkeen ‘n kleurvolle Kinderbybel in hul moedertaal, Xhosa, uitgedeel het. Miwa […]


“For 19 years of my working life I was waiting for God to call me without realising that it was right there in the workplace. For the last seven years of  my career I lived out my call. ” – Workplace ministry coach, Mike Smith