Other News

Muslim woman finds her ‘dream church’

Originally published in God Reports On the verge of a nervous breakdown, Fatima* cried out to God to reveal Himself to her. Growing up in a strict Muslim home had led her to the point of extreme depression and anxiety. What happened that night launched her on a journey toward […]

PE church hosting Christian art exhibition

From August 13 to 23 2018, Harvest Christian Church in Port Elizabeth will be hosting a themed art exhibition by local Christian artists. “The exhibition is open to all Christian artists who wish to glorify God and showcase their God-given talents”, said Ken Holloway who is the creative pastor at […]

Ugandan intercessors repenting for ancestors’ role in slave trade

Originally published in UG Christian News Intercessors for Uganda, a national intercessory ministry is organizing an annual National Prayer Conference, together with Uganda Jubilee Network, under the theme: “Remitting the Sins of Slavery” based on Deuteronomy 24:7 and Exodus 21:6. This prayer conference will bring together individuals involved in the […]