Other News

Israel apartheid claims are anti-semitic

Campus club resignation exposes worrying development among British university students As a South African who grew up in the apartheid era, and who signed up as a youth delegate for the anti apartheid Progressive Party while a student, I find the now politically correct campaign to condemn Israel as an […]

Norwegian children seized by welfare services see parents for first time in three months

Originally published in Christian News Five Norwegian children who were seized by the country’s child welfare services department were allowed to see their parents this week — for the first time in three months. As previously reported, in November, the Barnevernet seized Marius and Ruth Bodnariu’s two daughters, two sons […]

Watch your flock!

[notice]A fortnightly column on marriage, family and relationships.[/notice] As any responsible South African citizen I have been glued to my screen this last week watching the State of the Nation address in parliament. I am always interested to see what our leadership has outlined as a way forward for the […]