Other News

Freedom of speech lawsuit threatened over UK plan for independent schools

Originally published in Christian Today The Christian Institute has condemned the United Kingdom government’s latest plans for independent schools, saying they will curtail freedom of speech. Under new guidelines, teachers working in independent schools – including Christian schools and academies – will have to actively promote ‘rights’ in every subject. […]

ISIS: The World’s Newest Holocaust

By Mary Ann Mueller — Originally published in Virtue Online  Adolph Hitler and the Third Reich had a goal in mind: destroy Judaism … stamp out the Jews as a “Final Solution to the Jewish Question.” The wholesale slaughter of European Jews is remembered in 20th century history as The […]

When trauma strikes

[notice]A fortnightly column on marriage, family and relationships.[/notice] Traumatic experiences happen to all of us. It is not a question of if they happen it is a matter of when. All of us will lose a loved one; will experience some failure and disappointment. When it seems that life is […]