Other News

Cameron announces Sharia law finance plans for UK

Originally published in The Christian Institute British Prime Minister David Cameron has announced plans to issue a Sharia law bond in the UK, making it the first non-Muslim country to do so. But Bishop Nazir-Ali, the former Bishop of Rochester, warned against the move, saying dabbling with Sharia law could […]

MY Cornerstone: a holistic approach to academic, social and spiritual growth.

Cape Town: “It is extremely satisfying when our students refer to our institution as ‘My Cornerstone’” says Cornerstone Director Tony Georgiou. Here at Cornerstone, we pride ourselves on the sense of community. Our single biggest goal is to inspire students to reach their full potential, academically, socially and spiritually. Cornerstone […]

Mantashe comparison of Tripartite Alliance with Holy Trinity ‘blasphemous’ — Church leaders

South African church leaders this week spoke out strongly against “blasphemous” remarks by the ANC Secretary General, Gwede Mantashe over the weekend” in which he compared the political Tri-Partite Alliance (ANC, Cosatu and SACP) with the Biblical Holy Trinity. Apostolic Faith Mission President, Dr Izak Burger said he was shocked by […]

Is Egypt moving closer to religious freedom post Morsi?

Originally published in The Blaze Just three months after the ousting of Muslim Brotherhood President Mohammed Morsi, it appears Egyptian authorities are taking a big step toward protecting the freedom of worship for the nation’s Christian community by lifting major restrictions on the construction of new churches. Ahram Online reports that the […]

Kenyan pastors ask for guns as attacks by Muslims increase

Originally published in RNS As attacks on Christians mount in Kenya’s coastal region, some evangelical pastors in Mombasa area no longer may be willing to turn the other cheek. Worried about attacks against their churches and congregations, some pastors are asking for rifles to protect themselves from suspected Islamic extremists. […]