Women’s conference complements Mighty Men

womensconferenceWomen will have the opportunity to focus on their relationships with God and their neighbours during a conference with popular speaker and bible-study lecturer Mila Venter from Graaff-Reinet while their husbands are fellowshipping at the Karoo Mighty Men Conference (KMMC) in Middelburg.

Nelmi Uys, who is organising the women’s conference at Agape Church, New Street Middelburg at 10am on Saturday, April 26, says there has been a call among woman whose husbands are attending the KMMC 2014 for a time of sharing God’s word, discussing how they can develop their own personal relationship with God, improving the relationships in their families and communities, and enjoying each other’s company.

“The Saturday women’s conference started as a parallel event to the KMMC in 2012 with about 50 women attending. Last year over 200 women were present and this year we are expecting 300 women.

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Positive feedback
“Each year there has been very positive feedback from the women who attended,” says Uys.

She informs that many women who are accompanying their husbands to Middelburg for the KMMC this year have again contacted organisers to inquire whether there would be an opportunity to meet other wives for a time of companionship and discussion in a friendly environment.

“Although women and children are invited to KMMC’s Sunday morning family session there is a strong demand for a gathering specifically geared for women.

“Women that attend the conference will be encouraged by Mila Venter to discover the word of God through which they can gain strength, wisdom and support for any situation, whether it is a crisis or a celebration,” says Uys.

She says the women’s conference together with the KMMC Sunday morning family service makes it a weekend of worship and fellowship for both men and women.

“We want to make sure the weekend is enjoyable and rewarding for all the women that accompany their husbands to Middelburg for the weekend. In our correspondence with the women we have made sure we inform them of all the places of interest in the town.”

Uys says an indirect benefit of the women’s conference is that it has brought women together from across the spectrum of Middelburg’s church denominations to organise the event.

“Likewise, it is one of the few occasions that women from different church denominations in Middelburg come together to praise the Lord.”

Uys says any profits will be distributed among institutions that support the old aged and needy of Middelburg. The cost of the conference is R50 per person. More information can be obtained from Nelmi Uys at 076 230 0915 or nelmi@uysfin.co.za.

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