Other News

Decriminalisation of prostitution remains on agenda

Originally published in news24 The possible decriminalisation of prostitution will remain on the agenda of the newly appointed SA Law Reform Commission (SALRC), President Jacob Zuma said on Monday. The commission has been working on “Project 107”, which deals with sex work, for over a decade, he said in written reply to […]

Save our children

Arlene and I spent nine exhausting but inspiring days in Durban recently, speaking, preaching and meeting Christian leaders in KZN. I preached 12 times within a hectic eight day schedule. I returned from Durban on October 13 with a bad dose of the flu and was forced to take the […]

Christians killed in attack on wedding in Egypt

Originally published in Christian Today Four Christians have been killed in an attack on a church as a wedding was taking place in the city of Giza in Egypt. Christian Solidarity Worldwide reports that the dead were all guests at the wedding and include the mother of the groom, Camilia […]

Billy Graham sounds alarm for 2nd Coming

Famed evangelist sees signs ‘converging now for the 1st time’ By Troy Anderson — Originally published in WND Just as Noah did in ancient times, world-renowned evangelist Billy Graham is sounding the alarm that the Second Coming is “near” and signs of the end of the age are “converging now […]

UN told of Iran’s continued abuse of Christians

Originally published in Christian Today Iran’s continued mistreatment of its Christian minority was raised at a recent meeting of the United Nations Human Rights Council. Attieh Fard, a lawyer specialising in human rights, urged President Hassan Rouhani to make good on his promises to the United Nations in New York […]

Take heart!

[notice]Musings around children’s ministry. [/notice]And he told them a parable: “Look at the fig tree, and all the trees. As soon as they come out in leaf, you see for yourselves and know that the summer is already near. So also, when you see these things taking place, you know […]