Other News

Zimbabwe Perspective: Quo Vadis, Domine?

[notice]The following perspective was written by a Christian leader in Zimbabwe after the 2013 elections. His response to the results can be seen as representative of the emotions experienced by many Christians around the world who are disappointed when hope is not realised. — Originally published in INContext Ministries’ World In Motion, Issue […]

Syrian war through different prisms

[notice]International religious liberty analyst and advocate ELIZABETH KENDAL unravels some of the complexities of the war in Syria and highlights prayer needs in the area. She wrote this analysis for the Australian Evangelical Alliance Religious Liberty Commission of which she is a member.[/notice] Syria, Iran and the Shi’ite Crescent The […]

Are we doing all to stand?

[notice]A response to what is happening prophetically in the world today — A monthly column by Julie de Lisle[/notice] I was recently asked by someone if the words  “war” and “Christian” should even be used together in the same sentence. My immediate response was ‘yes’. It is so clear, and […]